Oak Meadow Country Club

Oak Meadow Country Club

Restaurants, Browning Rd, Evansville, , 47725, Indiana, 11505, United States, 1-10 Employees


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Located in the distinguished McCutchanville area, Oak Meadow Country Club is Evansville's premier north side Private Country Club. Founded in 1977, Oak Meadow is a first-class, family-ori...

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  • 11505 Browning Rd, Evansville, Indiana, 47725, United States Headquarters: 11505 Browning Rd, Evansville, Indiana, 47725, United States
  • 1-10 Employees: 1-10
  • dollar-icon Revenue: $5 Million to $10 Million

industries-icon Industry: Restaurants

SIC SIC Code: 5699

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Oak Meadow Country Club

Answer: Oak Meadow Country Club's headquarters are located at Browning Rd, Evansville, , 47725, Indiana, 11505, United States

Answer: Oak Meadow Country Club's phone number is 81********

Answer: Oak Meadow Country Club's official website is https://oakmeadowcc.com

Answer: Oak Meadow Country Club's revenue is $5 Million to $10 Million

Answer: Oak Meadow Country Club's SIC: 5699

Answer: Oak Meadow Country Club has 1-10 employees

Answer: Oak Meadow Country Club is in Restaurants

Answer: Oak Meadow Country Club contact info: Phone number: 81******** Website: https://oakmeadowcc.com

Answer: Located in the distinguished McCutchanville area, Oak Meadow Country Club is Evansville's premier north side Private Country Club. Founded in 1977, Oak Meadow is a first-class, family-oriented club that offers a full range of amenities including our championship 18-hole golf course, driving range, tennis courts, swimming pool and one of the area's finest dining and social facilities. Membership at Oak Meadow Country Club allow families and individuals the opportunity to take part in golf events, tennis programs, swim teams and enjoy weekly social gatherings all at one convenient location. Oak Meadow Country Club offers a wide variety of Memberships to fit your every need. Call the office or fill out our contact form to schedule a tour and to receive more information on the different Membership levels that we can provide for your family or business. All members receive a reduced rental fee on our facilities for private parties or events.

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