Notre Dame Preparatory School

Notre Dame Preparatory School

Education Management, 815 Hampton Lane, Towson, Maryland, 21286, United States, 51-200 Employees

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Founded in 1873, Notre Dame Preparatory School is a Catholic, independent college preparatory school for girls, owned and operated by the School Sisters of Notre Dame. LOCATION Towson, Ma...

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  • 815 Hampton Lane, Towson, Maryland, 21286, United States Headquarters: 815 Hampton Lane, Towson, Maryland, 21286, United States
  • 1873 Date Founded: 1873
  • 51-200 Employees: 51-200
  • dollar-icon Revenue: $50 Million to $100 Million
  • tech-icon Active Tech Stack: See technologies

industries-icon Industry: Education Management

SIC SIC Code: 8211 | NAICS Code: 611110 | Show More

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Notre Dame Preparatory School

Answer: Notre Dame Preparatory School's headquarters are located at 815 Hampton Lane, Towson, Maryland, 21286, United States

Answer: Notre Dame Preparatory School's phone number is 41********

Answer: Notre Dame Preparatory School's official website is

Answer: Notre Dame Preparatory School's revenue is $50 Million to $100 Million

Answer: Notre Dame Preparatory School's SIC: 8211

Answer: Notre Dame Preparatory School's NAICS: 611110

Answer: Notre Dame Preparatory School has 51-200 employees

Answer: Notre Dame Preparatory School is in Education Management

Answer: Notre Dame Preparatory School contact info: Phone number: 41******** Website:

Answer: Founded in 1873, Notre Dame Preparatory School is a Catholic, independent college preparatory school for girls, owned and operated by the School Sisters of Notre Dame. LOCATION Towson, Maryland, on Hampton Lane between Providence and Dulaney Valley Roads; NDP moved from North Charles Street to its 60-acre Towson campus in 1960. MISSION Academic excellence, spiritual growth, the practice of social justice ENROLLMENT Approximately 800 girls in grades 6 through 12 072.tif STUDENT-TEACHER RATIO 9-to-1 LEADERSHIP AND GOVERNANCE Sister Patricia McCarron, SSND, headmistress; Laurie Jones, principal. NDP is governed by a 25-member board of trustees. FACULTY 89 FTE, nearly all hold or are studying toward a higher degree CURRICULUM College preparatory, including more than 150 courses (20 Advanced Placement); STEAM (STEM + Art); Bette Ellis O'Conor Humanities Program; Religion required for all grades; Unique offerings: Chinese, Japanese, swimming, community service Chapel.jpg COLLEGE PLACEMENT 100% of students continue their education after high school. STUDENT ACTIVITIES Social Service, Student Council, Athletic Association, Christian Community Awareness Program, retreats, clubs, intramurals, Gym Meet ATHLETIC PROGRAM Approximately half of all NDP students participate in interscholastic sports; 34 teams compete in 14 different interscholastic sports; recent championships in badminton, basketball, cross country, lacrosse and volleyball; 11 members of the Class of 2014 signed letters of intent with Division I schools.

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