Nino Salvaggio International Marketplace

Supermarkets, 6835 Rochester Rd, Troy, Michigan, 48085, United States, 201-500 Employees

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At Nino Salvaggio International Marketplace, it is our goal and mission to create a unique, ever changing and vibrant shopping experience for our customers. As the premier market in a reg...

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  • 6835 Rochester Rd, Troy, Michigan, 48085, United States Headquarters: 6835 Rochester Rd, Troy, Michigan, 48085, United States
  • 201-500 Employees: 201-500
  • dollar-icon Revenue: $50 Million to $100 Million

industries-icon Industry: Supermarkets

SIC SIC Code: 5411 | NAICS Code: 722511 | Show More

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Nino Salvaggio International Marketplace

Answer: Nino Salvaggio International Marketplace's headquarters are located at 6835 Rochester Rd, Troy, Michigan, 48085, United States

Answer: Nino Salvaggio International Marketplace's phone number is 24********

Answer: Nino Salvaggio International Marketplace's official website is

Answer: Nino Salvaggio International Marketplace's revenue is $50 Million to $100 Million

Answer: Nino Salvaggio International Marketplace's SIC: 5411

Answer: Nino Salvaggio International Marketplace's NAICS: 722511

Answer: Nino Salvaggio International Marketplace has 201-500 employees

Answer: Nino Salvaggio International Marketplace is in Supermarkets

Answer: Nino Salvaggio International Marketplace contact info: Phone number: 24******** Website:

Answer: At Nino Salvaggio International Marketplace, it is our goal and mission to create a unique, ever changing and vibrant shopping experience for our customers. As the premier market in a region known for outstanding specialty stores, we take great pride in our commitment to value and quality, excellent customer service and continued commitment to our community through support and involvement. PRODUCTS Our products are the end results of our efforts. We must continuously strive to offer the highest quality, freshest and best products available, while ensuring that we are providing the best value, which in turn ensures that our customers continue to shop with us. CUSTOMERS ARE THE FOCUS OF EVERYTHING WE DO Our work must be done with our customers in mind, providing better products and services than our competition. Customers come before other projects or tasks. As a valued member of the Nino Salvaggio International Marketplace team, we entrust you with the responsibility of ensuring that our customers are given the best service possible. EMPLOYEE INVOLVEMENT IS OUR WAY OF LIFE We are a team. We must treat each other with trust, respect and dignity. Suppliers are our partners. The Company must maintain mutually beneficial relationship with suppliers, vendors, other business associates and each other. Our goal is to continuously nurture the Nino Salvaggio International Marketplace Open Door policy.

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