New York TMJ & Orofacial Pain

New York Tmj & Orofacial Pain

Medical Practice, 150 Ucla Medical Plaza, New York, 90095, United States, 11-50 Employees

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As a healthcare professional, you certainly realize that few parts of your body play as many roles in everyday life as the mouth, teeth, jaws, facial muscles, and other related structures...

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  • 150 Ucla Medical Plaza, New York, New York, 90095, United States Headquarters: 150 Ucla Medical Plaza, New York, New York, 90095, United States
  • 11-50 Employees: 11-50
  • dollar-icon Revenue: $500 Million to $1 Billion

industries-icon Industry: Medical Practice

SIC SIC Code: 2711; 8062; 8211 | NAICS Code: 621111 | Show More

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Steven Syrop

Board-Certified Specialist in Orofacial Pain & Sleep-Breathing Disorders

Mina Faiek

Orofacial Pain Specialist

Donald Tanenbaum

Board-Certified Orofacial Pain Specialist

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding New York TMJ & Orofacial Pain

Answer: New York TMJ & Orofacial Pain's headquarters are located at 150 Ucla Medical Plaza, New York, 90095, United States

Answer: New York TMJ & Orofacial Pain's phone number is +13*********

Answer: New York TMJ & Orofacial Pain's official website is

Answer: New York TMJ & Orofacial Pain's revenue is $500 Million to $1 Billion

Answer: New York TMJ & Orofacial Pain's SIC: 2711; 8062; 8211

Answer: New York TMJ & Orofacial Pain's NAICS: 621111

Answer: New York TMJ & Orofacial Pain has 11-50 employees

Answer: New York TMJ & Orofacial Pain is in Medical Practice

Answer: New York TMJ & Orofacial Pain contact info: Phone number: +13********* Website:

Answer: As a healthcare professional, you certainly realize that few parts of your body play as many roles in everyday life as the mouth, teeth, jaws, facial muscles, and other related structures. Daily acts of self-expression, such as talking, laughing, or smiling, use these structures to shape the sounds we make and help mold our appearance. They also work together to help all of our patients enjoy their favorite foods. If, however, someone comes to your office suffering from Orofacial Pain or a temporomandibular problem (TMD), it is quite possible that their whole world has changed. These conditions can disrupt nearly every aspect of a persons daily life. In addition to causing physical discomfort, Orofacial Pain and TMD can significantly alter dietary choices, lead to medication overuse, limit intimacy, and ultimately be responsible for emotional distress and frustration. Where to send these patients for personal and responsible care is something you need to know. We have years of experience and commitment to teaching dental students, residents, and peers. Our practice is uniquely qualified to diagnose and treat patients who present with Orofacial Pain, temporomandibular disorders, headaches, snoring, and obstructive sleep apnea. Here, your patients will be treated with the compassion, understanding, and personal attention that you want and that they deserve. Though these are difficult problems, we embrace these patients, validate their symptoms, and assure them that their symptoms are real and not in their head. This philosophy has helped us in our individual practices and now in our new combined practice to improve the quality of life for thousands of patients who suffer from painful orofacial conditions. We can make a difference for those suffering needlessly, and you can be assured that we will make every effort to help your patients on the road to recovery. Donald R. Tanenbaum, DDS MPH | Steven B. Syrop, DDS, MS


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