Nevada Gold Mines

Nevada Gold Mines

Mining & Metals, 1655 MTN City Hwy, Elko, Nevada, 89801, United States, 5001-10000 Employees

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Nevada Gold Mines is a joint venture between Barrick Gold Corporation (61.5%) and Newmont Goldcorp Corporation (38.5%), combining their significant assets across Nevada to create the sing...

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  • 1655 MTN City Hwy, Elko, Nevada, 89801, United States Headquarters: 1655 MTN City Hwy, Elko, Nevada, 89801, United States
  • 2019 Date Founded: 2019
  • 5001-10000 Employees: 5001-10000
  • dollar-icon Revenue: $250 Million to $500 Million
  • tech-icon Active Tech Stack: See technologies

industries-icon Industry: Mining & Metals

SIC SIC Code: 1041

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Nevada Gold Mines

Answer: Nevada Gold Mines's headquarters are located at 1655 MTN City Hwy, Elko, Nevada, 89801, United States

Answer: Nevada Gold Mines's phone number is 17*********

Answer: Nevada Gold Mines's official website is

Answer: Nevada Gold Mines's revenue is $250 Million to $500 Million

Answer: Nevada Gold Mines's SIC: 1041

Answer: Nevada Gold Mines has 5001-10000 employees

Answer: Nevada Gold Mines is in Mining & Metals

Answer: Nevada Gold Mines contact info: Phone number: 17********* Website:

Answer: Nevada Gold Mines is a joint venture between Barrick Gold Corporation (61.5%) and Newmont Goldcorp Corporation (38.5%), combining their significant assets across Nevada to create the single largest gold-producing complex in the world and realize the full potential of these mines through synergies and best-in-class operational improvements. This massive mining operation comprises 8 mines along with their associated infrastructure and processing facilities that produced an estimated 4 million ounces of gold in 2018. Three of these assets are Tier One gold mines: Barricks Cortez; the combination of Barricks Goldstrike and Newmont Goldcorps Carlin; and the combination of Barricks Turquoise Ridge and Newmont Goldcorps Twin Creeks. In addition, Barricks Goldrush-Fourmile project has the potential to become the fourth Tier One asset in this portfolio. The new JV is expected to generate around $5 billion in cost savings over the next five years. Nevada Gold Mines is operated by Barrick.

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