

Computer Software, 2300 Greenhill Dr, Round Rock, Texas, 78664, United States, 51-200 Employees

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We have extensive experience helping government agencies capture, store, manage, and share information. Our technology platform is based on open systems, and our customized solutions cate...

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  • 2300 Greenhill Dr, Round Rock, Texas, 78664, United States Headquarters: 2300 Greenhill Dr, Round Rock, Texas, 78664, United States
  • 2000 Date Founded: 2000
  • 51-200 Employees: 51-200
  • dollar-icon Revenue: $25 Million to $50 Million
  • tech-icon Active Tech Stack: See technologies

industries-icon Industry: Computer Software

SIC SIC Code: 7375

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Neubus

Answer: Neubus's headquarters are located at 2300 Greenhill Dr, Round Rock, Texas, 78664, United States

Answer: Neubus's phone number is 51********

Answer: Neubus's official website is

Answer: Neubus's revenue is $25 Million to $50 Million

Answer: Neubus's SIC: 7375

Answer: Neubus has 51-200 employees

Answer: Neubus is in Computer Software

Answer: Neubus contact info: Phone number: 51******** Website:

Answer: We have extensive experience helping government agencies capture, store, manage, and share information. Our technology platform is based on open systems, and our customized solutions cater to the specific needs of hundreds of federal, state and local government agencies. For almost two decades, Neubus' superior knowledge of government digital imaging, paperless workflow and records management has helped us earn continued selection as the vendor of choice for state contracts. Through a rigorous, competitive selection process, Neubus was awarded statewide contracts for imaging with the state of Texas and the state of California, as well contracts with the federal government. From licensing and regulation to health and human services, our experience covers all aspects of the public sector. We have made it our business to understand the data and business needs of every agency and built our platform to support any custom requirements you might have.

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