Higher Education, 100 Western BLVD, GLASTONBURY, , 6033, Connecticut, United States, 1-10 Employees
Phone Number: 86********
OUR MISSION: NERCOMP cultivates communities of practice around information and technology, promotes strategic partnerships, and advances innovation and leadership in educational instituti...
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Headquarters: 100 Western BLVD, GLASTONBURY, Connecticut, 6033, United States
Employees: 1-10
Revenue: $5 Million to $10 Million
Industry: Higher Education
SIC Code: 8399
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding NERCOMP
Answer: NERCOMP's headquarters are located at 100 Western BLVD, GLASTONBURY, , 6033, Connecticut, United States
Answer: NERCOMP's phone number is 86********
Answer: NERCOMP's official website is
Answer: NERCOMP's revenue is $5 Million to $10 Million
Answer: NERCOMP's SIC: 8399
Answer: NERCOMP has 1-10 employees
Answer: NERCOMP is in Higher Education
Answer: NERCOMP contact info: Phone number: 86******** Website:
Answer: OUR MISSION: NERCOMP cultivates communities of practice around information and technology, promotes strategic partnerships, and advances innovation and leadership in educational institutions across the Northeastern United States. NERCOMP is a registered trademark of the Northeast Regional Computing Program. All rights reserved. Our Strategic Plan: The NERCOMP board is pleased to announce that it has recently completed a year long strategic planning process. In January 2017 the board unanimously approved the new three year strategic plan with a focus on the following key goals: -NERCOMP will have a well-deserved reputation among educational institutions within its service area for delivering unmatched value to its members. -NERCOMP will provide a framework to promote and support engagement among communities, leading to increased partnerships, enhanced innovation and financial benefits. -NERCOMP will secure the organizations strength and long-term stability by stewarding its resources vigorously and intentionally developing its future leadership. As we execute this plan we hope you find great value in some of these new initiatives and services: -A broadened geographic scope for professional development events -New strategic partnerships that will bring greater value to the membership -More webinars and online professional development opportunities -Opportunities for schools to get a better understanding of their overall engagement with NERCOMP through reports -Increased community of practice opportunities
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