Neighborhood Industries
Non Profit Organization Management, 353 E Olive Ave, Fresno, California, 93728, United States, 51-200 Employees
Phone Number: +15*********
Neighborhood Industries' mission is to operate businesses that reveal value in people, so they can be positive contributors in their homes and neighborhoods. Neighborhood Industries prepa...
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Headquarters: 353 E Olive Ave, Fresno, California, 93728, United States
Date Founded: 2008
Employees: 51-200
Revenue: $5 Million to $10 Million
Active Tech Stack: See technologies
Industry: Non Profit Organization Management
SIC Code: 5932
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Neighborhood Industries
Answer: Neighborhood Industries's headquarters are located at 353 E Olive Ave, Fresno, California, 93728, United States
Answer: Neighborhood Industries's phone number is +15*********
Answer: Neighborhood Industries's official website is
Answer: Neighborhood Industries's revenue is $5 Million to $10 Million
Answer: Neighborhood Industries's SIC: 5932
Answer: Neighborhood Industries has 51-200 employees
Answer: Neighborhood Industries is in Non Profit Organization Management
Answer: Neighborhood Industries contact info: Phone number: +15********* Website:
Answer: Neighborhood Industries' mission is to operate businesses that reveal value in people, so they can be positive contributors in their homes and neighborhoods. Neighborhood Industries prepares individuals for employment through "Pathways to Employment," a comprehensive workforce development program that provides on the job training and real world work experience. We currently operate two social enterprises, Neighborhood Thrift and Neighborhood Recycling, as "classrooms" for workforce development, operating on the belief that jobs are the vehicle for taking someone from being a recipient to a contributor, and creating long term neighborhood transformation.
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