Naylor Realty

Naylor Realty

Real Estate, 403 E Johnson St, Clinton, North Carolina, 28328, United States, 1-10 Employees

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Serving areas of North Carolina from Wilmington to Raleigh, Naylor Realty is able to provide you with detailed MLS information on real estate - for Sellers and Buyers, access to three MLS...

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  • 403 E Johnson St, Clinton, North Carolina, 28328, United States Headquarters: 403 E Johnson St, Clinton, North Carolina, 28328, United States
  • 1-10 Employees: 1-10
  • dollar-icon Revenue: Under $1 Million

industries-icon Industry: Real Estate

SIC SIC Code: 0191; 6531 | NAICS Code: 531110 | Show More

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Naylor Realty

Answer: Naylor Realty's headquarters are located at 403 E Johnson St, Clinton, North Carolina, 28328, United States

Answer: Naylor Realty's phone number is +19*********

Answer: Naylor Realty's official website is

Answer: Naylor Realty's revenue is Under $1 Million

Answer: Naylor Realty's SIC: 0191; 6531

Answer: Naylor Realty's NAICS: 531110

Answer: Naylor Realty has 1-10 employees

Answer: Naylor Realty is in Real Estate

Answer: Naylor Realty contact info: Phone number: +19********* Website:

Answer: Serving areas of North Carolina from Wilmington to Raleigh, Naylor Realty is able to provide you with detailed MLS information on real estate - for Sellers and Buyers, access to three MLS systems allows you full exposure to the real estate market in Sampson county NC, Harnett county NC, Johnston county NC, Cumberland NC, New Hanover NC, Onslow NC, Wake NC, Durham NC counties and more. . . Naylor Realty offers new construction options for home buyers in Sampson county and Western Harnett county - Our associates have a working knowledge of new home construction and development that can make your purchase a smooth and pleasant process. Let Naylor Realty take the burden out of your real estate purchase. Real Estate Development may interest sellers with land in Sampson NC, Harnett NC and Johnston NC Counties . If your property has development potential for subdivisions, townhomes, and more allow Naylor Realty to help you with your marketing. Our real estate experience includes land development - let us talk with you about your possibilities. Whether buying or selling, call me for professional and courteous service. It is my pleasure to help!

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