Museum of Contemporary Art of Georgia

Museum Of Contemporary Art Of Georgia

Museums And Institutions, 75 Bennett St Nw, Atlanta, Georgia, 30309, United States, 1-10 Employees

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The Museum of Contemporary Art of Georgia (MOCA GA) collects and archives significant, contemporary works by the artists of the state of Georgia. To place our artists in a global context,...

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  • 75 Bennett St Nw, Atlanta, Georgia, 30309, United States Headquarters: 75 Bennett St Nw, Atlanta, Georgia, 30309, United States
  • 2000 Date Founded: 2000
  • 1-10 Employees: 1-10
  • dollar-icon Revenue: $10 Million to $25 Million
  • tech-icon Active Tech Stack: See technologies

industries-icon Industry: Museums and Institutions

SIC SIC Code: 7389 | NAICS Code: 561920 | Show More

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Stacey Savatsky

Collections and Exhibitions Manager

Anais Lopez

Executive Assistant and Membership Manager

Eric Kaepplinger

Exhibitions Preparator/ Facilities Manager

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Museum of Contemporary Art of Georgia

Answer: Museum of Contemporary Art of Georgia's headquarters are located at 75 Bennett St Nw, Atlanta, Georgia, 30309, United States

Answer: Museum of Contemporary Art of Georgia's phone number is 40********

Answer: Museum of Contemporary Art of Georgia's official website is

Answer: Museum of Contemporary Art of Georgia's revenue is $10 Million to $25 Million

Answer: Museum of Contemporary Art of Georgia's SIC: 7389

Answer: Museum of Contemporary Art of Georgia's NAICS: 561920

Answer: Museum of Contemporary Art of Georgia has 1-10 employees

Answer: Museum of Contemporary Art of Georgia is in Museums and Institutions

Answer: Museum of Contemporary Art of Georgia contact info: Phone number: 40******** Website:

Answer: The Museum of Contemporary Art of Georgia (MOCA GA) collects and archives significant, contemporary works by the artists of the state of Georgia. To place our artists in a global context, the Museum's exhibitions include Georgia artists and artists from around the world. Our programs promote the visual arts by creating a forum for active interchange between artists and the community. Since opening with it's very first exhibition in 2002, MOCA GA has become a leader in the arts of Atlanta - showcasing the best of contemporary visual art by Georgia's emerging, established, and legendary artists. With an average of 10 exhibitions each year and 113 exhibitions to date, MOCA GA presents work that is dynamic, challenging and innovative. MOCA GA also encourages engagement and exchange between the artists it features and the community if serves through regularly scheduled artist talks and other public programming. Home to a permanent collection of more than 900 works of art which continues to grows in depth and breadth by 50-100 pieces per year, MOCA GA is central to the arts in Georgia - investing in the community by preserving the legacy of the past, present, and future of Georgia art.

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