Murakami America

Murakami America

Aviation & Aerospace, 1308 Border Ave, Torrance, California, 90501, United States, 11-50 Employees

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MURAKAMI AMERICA, INC. (MAI) is an aerospace procurement and distribution company, supporting the aerospace OEM & MRO supply chain for customers in Asia with the products and services req...

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  • 1308 Border Ave, Torrance, California, 90501, United States Headquarters: 1308 Border Ave, Torrance, California, 90501, United States
  • 1980 Date Founded: 1980
  • 11-50 Employees: 11-50
  • dollar-icon Revenue: $1 Million to $5 Million
  • tech-icon Active Tech Stack: See technologies

industries-icon Industry: Aviation & Aerospace

SIC SIC Code: 5099 | NAICS Code: 423990 | Show More

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Murakami America

Answer: Murakami America's headquarters are located at 1308 Border Ave, Torrance, California, 90501, United States

Answer: Murakami America's phone number is +13*********

Answer: Murakami America's official website is

Answer: Murakami America's revenue is $1 Million to $5 Million

Answer: Murakami America's SIC: 5099

Answer: Murakami America's NAICS: 423990

Answer: Murakami America has 11-50 employees

Answer: Murakami America is in Aviation & Aerospace

Answer: Murakami America contact info: Phone number: +13********* Website:

Answer: MURAKAMI AMERICA, INC. (MAI) is an aerospace procurement and distribution company, supporting the aerospace OEM & MRO supply chain for customers in Asia with the products and services required for aircraft and spacecraft manufacturing and assembly. Since 1980, we have continued to support and facilitate sales & procurement of North American & European made products and services for our customers located in Japan, South Korea, China, Singapore, and other regions across Asia. One thing we pride ourselves upon is that ALL of MAI's service and support requests are handled by real people. We believe that real customer service requires a real person. Having real people handle sales and procurement support keeps us in tune with the needs of our customers and suppliers. You can call us, email us, or even meet us in person. No matter how you choose to connect, MAI is passionate about providing you with the friendly and timely service that you deserve.


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