Mt. Cuba Center

Museums And Institutions, 3120 Barley ML Rd, Hockessin, Delaware, 19707, United States, 51-200 Employees

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Mt. Cuba Center is a botanical garden that inspires an appreciation for the beauty and value of native plants and a commitment to protect the habitats that sustain them. Over the past 70 ...

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  • 3120 Barley ML Rd, Hockessin, Delaware, 19707, United States Headquarters: 3120 Barley ML Rd, Hockessin, Delaware, 19707, United States
  • 1989 Date Founded: 1989
  • 51-200 Employees: 51-200
  • dollar-icon Revenue: $50 Million to $100 Million
  • tech-icon Active Tech Stack: See technologies

industries-icon Industry: Museums and Institutions

SIC SIC Code: 5712 | NAICS Code: 711219 | Show More

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Megan Schiff

Education and Research Assistant

James Brant

Carpenter / Certified Water Operator

Amanda Lake

Senior Manager of Education and Engagement

Eileen Boyle

Director of Conservation and Research

Julia Hackstie

Seasonal Assistant Horticulturist

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Mt. Cuba Center

Answer: Mt. Cuba Center's headquarters are located at 3120 Barley ML Rd, Hockessin, Delaware, 19707, United States

Answer: Mt. Cuba Center's phone number is 30********

Answer: Mt. Cuba Center's official website is

Answer: Mt. Cuba Center's revenue is $50 Million to $100 Million

Answer: Mt. Cuba Center's SIC: 5712

Answer: Mt. Cuba Center's NAICS: 711219

Answer: Mt. Cuba Center has 51-200 employees

Answer: Mt. Cuba Center is in Museums and Institutions

Answer: Mt. Cuba Center contact info: Phone number: 30******** Website:

Answer: Mt. Cuba Center is a botanical garden that inspires an appreciation for the beauty and value of native plants and a commitment to protect the habitats that sustain them. Over the past 70 years the gardens at Mt. Cuba Center have been transformed from fallow cornfields into thriving ecologically functional landscapes, thanks to the initiative of Mr. and Mrs. Lammot du Pont Copeland. With paths that take visitors from the formal gardens of a du Pont mansion through stunning vistas, intimate woodlands, and lush meadows, Mt. Cuba Center is a botanical garden that puts the beauty of native landscapes on display to inspire conservation. What began in the 1930s as the private estate of Mr. and Mrs. Lammot du Pont Copeland is now a public garden that centers the beauty and value of native plants. In addition to cultivating the public garden's formal and naturalistic landscapes, Mt. Cuba Center staff conduct research, connect guests to the natural world and teach students about native plant horticulture. Gardens are open for general admission Wednesday to Sunday, April to November. Classes are offered year-round.

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