Mp Machinery And Testing
Machinery, 2161 Sandy Dr, State College, Pennsylvania, 16803, United States, 11-50 Employees
MP Machinery and Testing, LLC (MPM) is a high technology company that offers a wide range of experimental, analytical, and consulting services to various industries. MPM manufactures Char...
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Headquarters: 2161 Sandy Dr, State College, Pennsylvania, 16803, United States
Employees: 11-50
Revenue: Under $1 Million
Industry: Machinery
SIC Code: 3829
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding MP Machinery and Testing
Answer: MP Machinery and Testing's headquarters are located at 2161 Sandy Dr, State College, Pennsylvania, 16803, United States
Answer: MP Machinery and Testing's official website is
Answer: MP Machinery and Testing's revenue is Under $1 Million
Answer: MP Machinery and Testing's SIC: 3829
Answer: MP Machinery and Testing has 11-50 employees
Answer: MP Machinery and Testing is in Machinery
Answer: MP Machinery and Testing contact info: Phone number: Website:
Answer: MP Machinery and Testing, LLC (MPM) is a high technology company that offers a wide range of experimental, analytical, and consulting services to various industries. MPM manufactures Charpy impact test machines, instrumented impact test equipment, drop tower test equipment, in-situ heating and cooling equipment, shock testing equipment, multipurpose corrosion cells, high temperature reference electrodes, and pressure vessels. MPM offers services in the areas of material characterization, mechanical property measurement, failure analysis, corrosion testing, in-service component monitoring, and finite element analysis.
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