Moscow School District
Education Management, Moscow, Idaho, 67952, United States, 201-500 Employees
Phone Number: +12*********
Our school district is a welcoming, high-performing, and thriving district with approximately 2175 amazing, unique, and special students who attend one of our four elementary schools, mid...
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Headquarters: Moscow, Idaho, 67952, United States
Employees: 201-500
Revenue: $100 Million to $250 Million
Industry: Education Management
SIC Code: 8211
NAICS Code: 624410 |
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Moscow School District
Answer: Moscow School District's headquarters are located at Moscow, Idaho, 67952, United States
Answer: Moscow School District's phone number is +12*********
Answer: Moscow School District's official website is
Answer: Moscow School District's revenue is $100 Million to $250 Million
Answer: Moscow School District's SIC: 8211
Answer: Moscow School District's NAICS: 624410
Answer: Moscow School District has 201-500 employees
Answer: Moscow School District is in Education Management
Answer: Moscow School District contact info: Phone number: +12********* Website:
Answer: Our school district is a welcoming, high-performing, and thriving district with approximately 2175 amazing, unique, and special students who attend one of our four elementary schools, middle school, high school, or regional non-traditional high school. Centered on the boundary of the fertile, productive agricultural soils of the Palouse to the west and diverse, tree-filled evergreen forests to the east, the Moscow School District is similarly diverse and productive. With an amazing, university-based community that values education, prominent levels of parent and volunteer engagement and a highly educated and high-performing staff, it is no wonder that our student scores and performances rank the Moscow School District consistently as a top tier school in the State of Idaho. At the Moscow School District we strive to provide an educational system where each and every student is provided with: A safe and welcoming environment, A sense of belonging in our school and their community, An enriching and rigorous education that prepares them for future challenges, Access to a diverse set of extra-curricular activities and experiences, The skills to become a positive and contributing member of society. I welcome you to take the time to view our website and see the amazing things that are happening in our district.It is our mission to ensure that this site is informative and useful for both those who have been a part of our school district for a long time and for those who are newcomers to the Moscow School District. Welcome to the Moscow School District, the Pride of the North! Together in Education, Shawn Tiegs, Superintendent
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