MIM, Musical Instrument Museum

Mim, Musical Instrument Museum

Museums And Institutions, 4725 E Mayo BLVD, Phoenix, Arizona, 85050, United States, 51-200 Employees


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The Musical Instrument Museum (MIM) enriches our world by collecting, preserving, and making accessible an astonishing variety of musical instruments and performance videos from every cou...

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  • 4725 E Mayo BLVD, Phoenix, Arizona, 85050, United States Headquarters: 4725 E Mayo BLVD, Phoenix, Arizona, 85050, United States
  • 2010 Date Founded: 2010
  • 51-200 Employees: 51-200
  • dollar-icon Revenue: $250 Million to $500 Million
  • tech-icon Active Tech Stack: See technologies

industries-icon Industry: Museums and Institutions

SIC SIC Code: 5813 | NAICS Code: 712110 | Show More

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MIM, Musical Instrument Museum Org Chart and Mapping


Mary Farmer

Administrative Affairs Manager - Retired

Elaine Price

Executive Assistant to the Director

Emma Travis

Creative and Marketing Manager

Sydney Rich

Media Relations Specialist

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding MIM, Musical Instrument Museum

Answer: MIM, Musical Instrument Museum's headquarters are located at 4725 E Mayo BLVD, Phoenix, Arizona, 85050, United States

Answer: MIM, Musical Instrument Museum's phone number is 48********

Answer: MIM, Musical Instrument Museum's official website is https://mim.org

Answer: MIM, Musical Instrument Museum's revenue is $250 Million to $500 Million

Answer: MIM, Musical Instrument Museum's SIC: 5813

Answer: MIM, Musical Instrument Museum's NAICS: 712110

Answer: MIM, Musical Instrument Museum has 51-200 employees

Answer: MIM, Musical Instrument Museum is in Museums and Institutions

Answer: MIM, Musical Instrument Museum contact info: Phone number: 48******** Website: https://mim.org

Answer: The Musical Instrument Museum (MIM) enriches our world by collecting, preserving, and making accessible an astonishing variety of musical instruments and performance videos from every country in the world. MIM offers guests a welcoming and fun experience, incomparable interactive technology, dynamic programming, and exceptional musical performances. MIM fosters appreciation of the worlds diverse cultures by showing how we innovate, adapt, and learn from each other to create musicthe language of the soul. The acoustically superb MIM Music Theater offers an intimate, 300-seat setting to enjoy live performances by well-known musicians and emerging artists from around the world. MIMs award-winning Cafe Allegro offers delicious global cuisine made from locally sourced ingredients every day, and the Museum Store displays an array of creative, global, and music-inspired gifts for guests to choose from. As a premier event destination, MIM presents a variety of options that can harmonize with any occasion. The versatility of the space provides the perfect blend of beauty, creativity, and functionality for events of varying types and sizes. Testimonials When I go to the Musical Instrument Museum, I feel better about the world, I feel better about humanity, because musical instruments and music-making between all the peoples of the world are related. . . . These instruments bring us together. Mark OConnor, three-time Grammy-winning musician Whatever you are picturing in your mind, multiply it by 100 and maybe youll get a sense of how cool this place is. Carey Wilson, Facebook review Many of our students arent exposed to the type of culture promoted at the MIM. There is also a special connection some of the students experience when they see their heritage represented at the MIM. Rebecca Welch, teacher The event last evening was WONDERFUL! The venue was perfect; the set-up was outstanding; the staff was excellent. It was a huge success! AT&T

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