MHC Healthcare

Mhc Healthcare

Medical Practice, N. Main Street, Marana, , 85653, Arizona, 13395, United States, 501-1000 Employees

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MHC Healthcare is the oldest community health center, providing continuous health care since its incorporation in 1957. We began by providing medical care to migratory farm workers and ot...

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  • 13395 N. Main Street, Marana, Arizona, 85653, United States Headquarters: 13395 N. Main Street, Marana, Arizona, 85653, United States
  • 1957 Date Founded: 1957
  • 501-1000 Employees: 501-1000
  • dollar-icon Revenue: $100 Million to $250 Million
  • tech-icon Active Tech Stack: See technologies

industries-icon Industry: Medical Practice

SIC SIC Code: 8082 | NAICS Code: 621610 | Show More

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding MHC Healthcare

Answer: MHC Healthcare's headquarters are located at N. Main Street, Marana, , 85653, Arizona, 13395, United States

Answer: MHC Healthcare's phone number is 52********

Answer: MHC Healthcare's official website is

Answer: MHC Healthcare's revenue is $100 Million to $250 Million

Answer: MHC Healthcare's SIC: 8082

Answer: MHC Healthcare's NAICS: 621610

Answer: MHC Healthcare has 501-1000 employees

Answer: MHC Healthcare is in Medical Practice

Answer: MHC Healthcare contact info: Phone number: 52******** Website:

Answer: MHC Healthcare is the oldest community health center, providing continuous health care since its incorporation in 1957. We began by providing medical care to migratory farm workers and other locals in Marana. By 1964 we had the funds to build a clinic specifically for MHC Healthcare and doubled our staff. We then established our Sliding Fee Scale, which made it possible to deliver healthcare to a wider population, especially low income and medically underserved patients. In 1972, Marana was declared a Critical Health Manpower Shortage area and MHC signed an agreement with the National Health Services Corps to provide healthcare workers for our entire community. Just three years later in 1975, the University of Arizona Department of Family and Community Medicine awarded MHC Healthcare the Hill-Burton Grant, which allowed us to substantially enlarge our clinic building. That was our main clinic for 36 years, until we moved into our current Marana Main Health Center in 2011. Main Marana Healthcare Building MHC Healthcare has grown to a network of 16 Health Centers, employs over 600 staff, and serves over 50,000 patients. Our commitment and dedication to removing barriers towards healthcare services has allowed us to achieve and grow. We will be your healthcare provider for years to come.

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