Mesa Chamber of Commerce

Mesa Chamber Of Commerce

Civic & Social Organization, 40 N. Center St. #104, Mesa, Arizona, 85201, United States, 1-10 Employees

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phone no Phone Number: 48********


The Mesa Chamber of Commerce is an alliance of businesses and organizations which are uniquely characterized by their service, growth, and contribution to the city of Mesa. For over 100 y...

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  • 40 N. Center St. #104, Mesa, Arizona, 85201, United States Headquarters: 40 N. Center St. #104, Mesa, Arizona, 85201, United States
  • 1905 Date Founded: 1905
  • 1-10 Employees: 1-10
  • dollar-icon Revenue: $5 Million to $10 Million
  • tech-icon Active Tech Stack: See technologies

industries-icon Industry: Civic & Social Organization

SIC SIC Code: 8611 | NAICS Code: 813910 | Show More

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Theresa Dibona

Administrative Assistant

Shauna Zuniga

Director of Operations/Finance

Marcus Campbell

Communications Assistant

Tim Gaffney

Director, Membership Development

Caris Sanchez

Social Media Marketing Specialist

Bob Nelson

Communications Director

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Mesa Chamber of Commerce

Answer: Mesa Chamber of Commerce's headquarters are located at 40 N. Center St. #104, Mesa, Arizona, 85201, United States

Answer: Mesa Chamber of Commerce's phone number is 48********

Answer: Mesa Chamber of Commerce's official website is

Answer: Mesa Chamber of Commerce's revenue is $5 Million to $10 Million

Answer: Mesa Chamber of Commerce's SIC: 8611

Answer: Mesa Chamber of Commerce's NAICS: 813910

Answer: Mesa Chamber of Commerce has 1-10 employees

Answer: Mesa Chamber of Commerce is in Civic & Social Organization

Answer: Mesa Chamber of Commerce contact info: Phone number: 48******** Website:

Answer: The Mesa Chamber of Commerce is an alliance of businesses and organizations which are uniquely characterized by their service, growth, and contribution to the city of Mesa. For over 100 years, the Mesa Chamber of Commerce continues to be a central networking hub, bringing business men and women together to further promote their company and increase community involvement and success. By joining local forces, following our company, and becoming a member, your business can become better and stronger than ever. Having access to a group of other talented and dynamic individuals is a vital resource to every enterprise. Whether your business comprises small entrepreneurs, medium-sized concerns, large manufacturers, retail, wholesale, creative, technical, right-brained, left-brained, when we all come together we make each other stronger. Bottom line...we are better together! Committing to serve as an active member of the Mesa Chamber provides you with benefits of: Better INNOVATION Better NETWORK Better VISIBILITY Better ADVOCACY Better LEADERSHIP Better UNDERSTANDING Better ACCESS Better BUSINESS Better LOYALTY Better EDUCATION Our invaluable skills and opportunities are catered to your needs. Our team is committed to establish enduring partnerships with members to create a strong diverse business community. The Mesa Chamber is steadfast to stimulating the communitys economic health while improving quality of life.


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