Mercier and Perry

Mercier And Perry

Defense & Space, 1 Main St, Nashua, New Hampshire, 98006, United States, 1-10 Employees

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About Telescope was started by a small group of algorithm developers, data scientists, and software engineers to help create advanced threat warning and countermeasures systems. We've spe...

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industries-icon Industry: Defense & Space

SIC SIC Code: 4812 | NAICS Code: 443142 | Show More

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Mercier and Perry

Answer: Mercier and Perry's headquarters are located at 1 Main St, Nashua, New Hampshire, 98006, United States

Answer: Mercier and Perry's phone number is +12*********

Answer: Mercier and Perry's official website is

Answer: Mercier and Perry's revenue is $1 Billion and Over

Answer: Mercier and Perry's SIC: 4812

Answer: Mercier and Perry's NAICS: 443142

Answer: Mercier and Perry has 1-10 employees

Answer: Mercier and Perry is in Defense & Space

Answer: Mercier and Perry contact info: Phone number: +12********* Website:

Answer: About Telescope was started by a small group of algorithm developers, data scientists, and software engineers to help create advanced threat warning and countermeasures systems. We've spent years developing these systems for large companies and combine that experience with modern software development tools and practices, providing speed and agility that can't be matched by larger companies. This team has created some of the most advanced and highly proliferated threat warning and countermeasures systems in the world. We have experience in areas from conceptual design through field maintenance, which allows us to assist in all stages of system development. The team is responsible for more than 20 patents and pending patents in this field and we plan to continue to drive development to create more accurate and robust systems needed for modern engagement scenarios. In addition to threat warning systems, our team has expertise in data analysis, algorithm development, and machine learning. We use these tools for projects ranging from image and video analysis software through quantitative market analyses. Our scientists use modern tools to identify the important elements of large data sets to provide high value insights.


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