Mensura Capital

Mensura Capital

Investment Banking, 3060 Peachtree Rd Nw, Atlanta, Georgia, 30305, United States, 1-10 Employees

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At Mensura, we go beyond what todays investment banking market provides by delivering comprehensive design and management of M&A transactions establishing, protecting, and realizing value...

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industries-icon Industry: Investment Banking

SIC SIC Code: 6211 | NAICS Code: 522291 | Show More

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Mensura Capital

Answer: Mensura Capital's headquarters are located at 3060 Peachtree Rd Nw, Atlanta, Georgia, 30305, United States

Answer: Mensura Capital's phone number is +18*********

Answer: Mensura Capital's official website is

Answer: Mensura Capital's revenue is Under $1 Million

Answer: Mensura Capital's SIC: 6211

Answer: Mensura Capital's NAICS: 522291

Answer: Mensura Capital has 1-10 employees

Answer: Mensura Capital is in Investment Banking

Answer: Mensura Capital contact info: Phone number: +18********* Website:

Answer: At Mensura, we go beyond what todays investment banking market provides by delivering comprehensive design and management of M&A transactions establishing, protecting, and realizing value for middle market enterprises and their owners. Our goal is to make the market, establish value, and minimize transactional risks for our clients. Securities transactions are made through Mensura Securities, LLC, a member FINRA and SIPC. COVERED SECTORS Industrial (Manufacturing & Service) Business Services Consumer Products and Foods OUR NICHES Marine (Blue Water, Inland, Military) Agriculture (Vertically-Integrated Agricultural Enterprises) Investment Banking; Merchant Banking.


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