McGraw Morris PC

Mc Graw Morris Pc

Law Practice, 2075 W Big Beaver Rd, Troy, Michigan, 48084, United States, 11-50 Employees

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McGraw Morris specializes in defense litigation and general representation of insurers, municipalities, school districts and businesses. Our attorneys have years of experience defending o...

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  • 2075 W Big Beaver Rd, Troy, Michigan, 48084, United States Headquarters: 2075 W Big Beaver Rd, Troy, Michigan, 48084, United States
  • 2009 Date Founded: 2009
  • 11-50 Employees: 11-50
  • dollar-icon Revenue: $25 Million to $50 Million
  • tech-icon Active Tech Stack: See technologies

industries-icon Industry: Law Practice

SIC SIC Code: 1741

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding McGraw Morris PC

Answer: McGraw Morris PC's headquarters are located at 2075 W Big Beaver Rd, Troy, Michigan, 48084, United States

Answer: McGraw Morris PC's phone number is 24********

Answer: McGraw Morris PC's official website is

Answer: McGraw Morris PC's revenue is $25 Million to $50 Million

Answer: McGraw Morris PC's SIC: 1741

Answer: McGraw Morris PC has 11-50 employees

Answer: McGraw Morris PC is in Law Practice

Answer: McGraw Morris PC contact info: Phone number: 24******** Website:

Answer: McGraw Morris specializes in defense litigation and general representation of insurers, municipalities, school districts and businesses. Our attorneys have years of experience defending our clients in lawsuits involving labor and employment, no-fault, police professional liability, civil rights defense, zoning and real estate, personal injury defense, insurance defense and general civil litigation. When our clients are being threatened with litigation or sued by 1-800-attorneys, we step in early in the process and protect them. We have an outstanding record of dismissals and verdicts against these attorneys who specialize in suing our clients. We practice in all state and federal courts.


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