MCC Academy

Mcc Academy

Education Management, 8601 Menard Ave, Skokie, Illinois, 60473, United States, 51-200 Employees

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MCC Academy is a state-recognized, parochial elementary institution, nationally accredited by Advanced. The curriculum of the school is aligned with standards proposed by ISBE (Illinois S...

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  • 8601 Menard Ave, Skokie, Illinois, 60473, United States Headquarters: 8601 Menard Ave, Skokie, Illinois, 60473, United States
  • 1990 Date Founded: 1990
  • 51-200 Employees: 51-200
  • dollar-icon Revenue: $5 Million to $10 Million
  • tech-icon Active Tech Stack: See technologies

industries-icon Industry: Education Management

SIC SIC Code: 8211

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding MCC Academy

Answer: MCC Academy's headquarters are located at 8601 Menard Ave, Skokie, Illinois, 60473, United States

Answer: MCC Academy's phone number is 84********

Answer: MCC Academy's official website is

Answer: MCC Academy's revenue is $5 Million to $10 Million

Answer: MCC Academy's SIC: 8211

Answer: MCC Academy has 51-200 employees

Answer: MCC Academy is in Education Management

Answer: MCC Academy contact info: Phone number: 84******** Website:

Answer: MCC Academy is a state-recognized, parochial elementary institution, nationally accredited by Advanced. The curriculum of the school is aligned with standards proposed by ISBE (Illinois State Board of Education). There is great excitement among the community over the recent expansion of the school through the purchase of a second facility in Skokie, IL, located a few short miles from the flagship location in Morton Grove, IL. MCC Academy offers a highly competitive secular education curriculum for students in preschool through 12th grades with students consistently scoring on average in the 89th percentile on standardized tests of basic skills. For 32 years, MCC Academy has continued to grow its enrollment through providing a top-notch secular education complemented by contemporary coursework in Islamic studies designed to build and refine character among our students, helping them develop a beautiful Muslim-American identity and the knowledge to help them positively impact the culture in which they live.

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