Maxim Watermakers

Maxim Watermakers

Maritime, 6702 Linwood Ave, Shreveport, Louisiana, 71106, United States, 11-50 Employees

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Maxim Watermakers, powered by Fairbanks Morse Defense, is a leader in desalination technology, offering a series of heat recovery evaporators and seawater reverse osmosis systems. The com...

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  • 6702 Linwood Ave, Shreveport, Louisiana, 71106, United States Headquarters: 6702 Linwood Ave, Shreveport, Louisiana, 71106, United States
  • 2008 Date Founded: 2008
  • 11-50 Employees: 11-50
  • dollar-icon Revenue: $1 Million to $5 Million
  • tech-icon Active Tech Stack: See technologies

industries-icon Industry: Maritime

SIC SIC Code: 4941 | NAICS Code: 221310 | Show More

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Maxim Watermakers

Answer: Maxim Watermakers's headquarters are located at 6702 Linwood Ave, Shreveport, Louisiana, 71106, United States

Answer: Maxim Watermakers's phone number is +13*********

Answer: Maxim Watermakers's official website is

Answer: Maxim Watermakers's revenue is $1 Million to $5 Million

Answer: Maxim Watermakers's SIC: 4941

Answer: Maxim Watermakers's NAICS: 221310

Answer: Maxim Watermakers has 11-50 employees

Answer: Maxim Watermakers is in Maritime

Answer: Maxim Watermakers contact info: Phone number: +13********* Website:

Answer: Maxim Watermakers, powered by Fairbanks Morse Defense, is a leader in desalination technology, offering a series of heat recovery evaporators and seawater reverse osmosis systems. The combination of vacuum enhanced distillation and waste heat recovery is a proven concept that has been used for over 60 years. Maxim Watermakers provides consultation services along with equipment packages. We can also provide solutions to create a plan that will address your clean water needs in the most environmentally friendly way. Heat recovery evaporation is the most energy efficient desalination technology. Waste heat from engine jacket water, engine exhaust, steam or other heat source is utilized, providing the bulk of the energy requirement, lowering operating costs. Our heat recovery evaporators provide stability and consistency across all types of feed water and can handle wide ranges of feed water temperatures. Evaporators can function well in river water, brackish bay water or sea water yielding the same high quality water (less than 4 ppm TDS). With our heat recovery evaporator product lines, we offer water production capacities ranging from 192 GPD to 15,000 GPD. Custom engineered units are available upon request. The Sterling Series, Maxim's line of seawater reverse osmosis desalination systems, offer water production capacities from 1,000 GPD to 6,000 GPD. Custom sizes are available. Maxim also offers a line of cleaning solutions for thermal distillation units.


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