Massachusetts Republican Party

Massachusetts Republican Party

Political Organization, 85 Merrimac St Ste 400, Boston, Massachusetts, 02114, United States, 1-10 Employees

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The Massachusetts Republican Party offers a new direction, following its core principles of smaller government and individual freedom. The MassGOP will offer strong candidates for elected...

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  • 85 Merrimac St Ste 400, Boston, Massachusetts, 02114, United States Headquarters: 85 Merrimac St Ste 400, Boston, Massachusetts, 02114, United States
  • 1-10 Employees: 1-10
  • dollar-icon Revenue: $25 Million to $50 Million

industries-icon Industry: Political Organization

SIC SIC Code: 8651 | NAICS Code: 813990 | Show More

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Evan Lips

Director of Communications

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Massachusetts Republican Party

Answer: Massachusetts Republican Party's headquarters are located at 85 Merrimac St Ste 400, Boston, Massachusetts, 02114, United States

Answer: Massachusetts Republican Party's phone number is +16*********

Answer: Massachusetts Republican Party's official website is

Answer: Massachusetts Republican Party's revenue is $25 Million to $50 Million

Answer: Massachusetts Republican Party's SIC: 8651

Answer: Massachusetts Republican Party's NAICS: 813990

Answer: Massachusetts Republican Party has 1-10 employees

Answer: Massachusetts Republican Party is in Political Organization

Answer: Massachusetts Republican Party contact info: Phone number: +16********* Website:

Answer: The Massachusetts Republican Party offers a new direction, following its core principles of smaller government and individual freedom. The MassGOP will offer strong candidates for elected office to restore good, efficient government to Beacon Hill. The party will field honest candidates who embody the spirit of public service. The solution to the problems on Beacon Hill is no new laws, the solution is new lawmakers. The MassGOP is a party grounded in common-sense principles. We advocate for families and businesses, and demand government policies that help, not new laws. For example, Republican legislators proposed $1 billion in reform savings in 2009, while the Democrats voted for $1 billion in new taxes and fees. The Massachusetts Republican Party consists of all enrolled Republican voters in the Commonwealth and is governed by the Massachusetts Republican State Committee. The State Committee establishes the policies of the Party, provides a central headquarters, gives leadership to the city, ward and town committees in electing Republican candidates to office, raises money for the purposes of the Party, and seeks new members for the Republican Party. Consistent with the preamble to the Rules of the National Republican Party, it is the intent and purpose of the State Committee to foster the tenets of the Republican Party as stated in the Platform of the National Republican Party. If you or someone you know wants to run for office as a Republican, or wants to get involved with the party, please visit the Get Involved section of our website.

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