Manhattan Grant Writers

Manhattan Grant Writers

Philanthropy, 55 W End Ave, New York, 10023, United States, 11-50 Employees

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Manhattan Grant Writers is a creative-focused grant writing agency in NYC. We are an all-female-identifying team and come from backgrounds in the performing arts, communication, education...

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industries-icon Industry: Philanthropy

SIC SIC Code: 5147

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Manhattan Grant Writers

Answer: Manhattan Grant Writers's headquarters are located at 55 W End Ave, New York, 10023, United States

Answer: Manhattan Grant Writers's phone number is +12*********

Answer: Manhattan Grant Writers's official website is

Answer: Manhattan Grant Writers's revenue is $10 Million to $25 Million

Answer: Manhattan Grant Writers's SIC: 5147

Answer: Manhattan Grant Writers has 11-50 employees

Answer: Manhattan Grant Writers is in Philanthropy

Answer: Manhattan Grant Writers contact info: Phone number: +12********* Website:

Answer: Manhattan Grant Writers is a creative-focused grant writing agency in NYC. We are an all-female-identifying team and come from backgrounds in the performing arts, communication, education, media, nonprofit leadership, health & wellness, publishing, ESL, children & families, women's issues, mental health, and more. We are the only creative-centered grant writing agency in New York City: a city full of creative thinkers and innovators. Manhattan Grant Writers is the first of its kind, encompassing personal and professional knowledge and experience in our chosen writing specialties and topics. We help our clients get the money that they need and deserve so that they can continue to serve their communities, clients, and customers. Our team is focused on ensuring client success by providing top-quality services, including grant writing, fundraising, research, and editing.


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