Luxor Nursing and Rehabilitation at Sayville

Luxor Nursing And Rehabilitation At Sayville

Hospital & Health Care, 300 Broadway Ave, Sayville, New York, 11782, United States, 51-200 Employees

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Rehabilitation and nursing care can be tough to go through. At Luxor Care Centers, were all about providing an experience that leaves you feeling whole on every level. We go to great leng...

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  • 300 Broadway Ave, Sayville, New York, 11782, United States Headquarters: 300 Broadway Ave, Sayville, New York, 11782, United States
  • 51-200 Employees: 51-200
  • dollar-icon Revenue: $10 Million to $25 Million

industries-icon Industry: Hospital & Health Care

SIC SIC Code: 5046

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Luxor Nursing and Rehabilitation at Sayville

Answer: Luxor Nursing and Rehabilitation at Sayville's headquarters are located at 300 Broadway Ave, Sayville, New York, 11782, United States

Answer: Luxor Nursing and Rehabilitation at Sayville's phone number is +16*********

Answer: Luxor Nursing and Rehabilitation at Sayville's official website is

Answer: Luxor Nursing and Rehabilitation at Sayville's revenue is $10 Million to $25 Million

Answer: Luxor Nursing and Rehabilitation at Sayville's SIC: 5046

Answer: Luxor Nursing and Rehabilitation at Sayville has 51-200 employees

Answer: Luxor Nursing and Rehabilitation at Sayville is in Hospital & Health Care

Answer: Luxor Nursing and Rehabilitation at Sayville contact info: Phone number: +16********* Website:

Answer: Rehabilitation and nursing care can be tough to go through. At Luxor Care Centers, were all about providing an experience that leaves you feeling whole on every level. We go to great lengths to deliver an aura of calmness and relaxation in our centers, so your mind is at ease. If youre with us for short- term care, our goal is to rehabilitate not only your body but your mind and spirit. Our team of physicians, specialists, and therapists have a common goal to get you back home, feeling your best. For long-term care residents, we strive to make it the best home they can possibly have. The comfort and safety of residents are top priorities for us. Each person is given a custom plan of care, and we are here to enrich their lives 24 hours a day, whether it be assistance with daily functions or a wide array of games and activities to foster a sense of community. Luxor Nursing and Rehabilitation at Sayville strives to change your perception of what a nursing home can be. We have residents at varying levels of health, but we keep them engaged physically, mentally, and emotionally so they have the best chance to thrive in their new home. Experience your Recovery TM.


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