Loudoun County Sheriff's Office

Loudoun County Sheriff's Office

Law Enforcement, 803 Sycolin Rd Se, Leesburg, Virginia, 20175, United States, 501-1000 Employees


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phone no Phone Number: 70********


Welcome to the official LinkedIn page of the Loudoun County Sheriff's Office (LCSO). The LCSO is the largest, full-service Sheriff's Office in the Commonwealth of Virginia. Our mission is...

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  • 803 Sycolin Rd Se, Leesburg, Virginia, 20175, United States Headquarters: 803 Sycolin Rd Se, Leesburg, Virginia, 20175, United States
  • 501-1000 Employees: 501-1000
  • dollar-icon Revenue: $50 Million to $100 Million

industries-icon Industry: Law Enforcement

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Loudoun County Sheriff's Office

Answer: Loudoun County Sheriff's Office's headquarters are located at 803 Sycolin Rd Se, Leesburg, Virginia, 20175, United States

Answer: Loudoun County Sheriff's Office's phone number is 70********

Answer: Loudoun County Sheriff's Office's official website is https://joinlcso.com

Answer: Loudoun County Sheriff's Office's revenue is $50 Million to $100 Million

Answer: Loudoun County Sheriff's Office has 501-1000 employees

Answer: Loudoun County Sheriff's Office is in Law Enforcement

Answer: Loudoun County Sheriff's Office contact info: Phone number: 70******** Website: https://joinlcso.com

Answer: Welcome to the official LinkedIn page of the Loudoun County Sheriff's Office (LCSO). The LCSO is the largest, full-service Sheriff's Office in the Commonwealth of Virginia. Our mission is to to continuously improve safety and law enforcement services to all members of our community through the Step Up Strategy of improved service, technology, efficiency and professionalism. We work interactively with federal, state, and other local law enforcement authorities to vigorously and fairly enforce criminal laws by sharing capabilities, strategies and assets. We partner with community services groups and human services agencies to implement strategies that improve the quality of life for County residents, businesses and visitors. Finally, we engage our community through courteous and proactive outreach and communication, and work diligently to constantly improve our professionalism. Every member of the Loudoun County Sheriff's Office is expected to contribute to the furtherance of this mission. At the LCSO you will have the opportunity to work alongside the very best. The LCSO consists of over 800 sworn deputies and civilian staff working together to serve the citizens of one of the wealthiest and diverse counties in the nation.


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