

Architecture & Planning, 569 E 2nd Ave, Salt Lake City, Utah, 84103, United States, 11-50 Employees


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Who is LOCI

Loci is a landscape architecture, land planning, and urban design firm located in Salt Lake City, Utah. The firm is dedicated to creating healthy, livable cities and towns through the use...

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  • 569 E 2nd Ave, Salt Lake City, Utah, 84103, United States Headquarters: 569 E 2nd Ave, Salt Lake City, Utah, 84103, United States
  • 2014 Date Founded: 2014
  • 11-50 Employees: 11-50
  • dollar-icon Revenue: $1 Million to $5 Million
  • tech-icon Active Tech Stack: See technologies

industries-icon Industry: Architecture & Planning

SIC SIC Code: 6282 | NAICS Code: 541320 | Show More

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Loci

Answer: Loci's headquarters are located at 569 E 2nd Ave, Salt Lake City, Utah, 84103, United States

Answer: Loci's phone number is +13*********

Answer: Loci's official website is https://loci-slc.com

Answer: Loci's revenue is $1 Million to $5 Million

Answer: Loci's SIC: 6282

Answer: Loci's NAICS: 541320

Answer: Loci has 11-50 employees

Answer: Loci is in Architecture & Planning

Answer: Loci contact info: Phone number: +13********* Website: https://loci-slc.com

Answer: Loci is a landscape architecture, land planning, and urban design firm located in Salt Lake City, Utah. The firm is dedicated to creating healthy, livable cities and towns through the use of a rigorous and methodological design and planning process. This process considers the entire spectrum of influences on design expression and planning solutions including environmental considerations, transportation issues, social and cultural opportunities, and economic impacts. We believe this well-tested and proven approach to problem solving results in the best possible design and planning solutions which in turn results in meaningful places for people. Loci was founded by two brothers, Michael and Terrall Budge, in early 2014. Between them, they have deep professional experience with several nationally-recognized firms and have extensive national and international design experience on a range of different project types. Projects they have led range from large-scale new community planning to parks and open space planning and design; urban design and redevelopment to high-end residential gardens; institutional design and planning to constructed wetlands and lakes. Their clients come from both the public and private sectors including cities, redevelopment agencies, churches and universities, private developers, and architects. Loci is the plural form of the Latin word locus which means place. The sole objective of our firm is to create great and lasting places.

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