Linshom Medical

Medical Devices, 2922 Excelsior Springs Ct, Ellicott City, Maryland, 21042, United States, 1-10 Employees

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FDA 510(k) cleared The Linshom Respiratory Monitor improves patient safety by providing continuous, uninterrupted, critical respiratory information through innovative monitoring technolog...

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  • 2922 Excelsior Springs Ct, Ellicott City , Maryland, 21042, United States Headquarters: 2922 Excelsior Springs Ct, Ellicott City , Maryland, 21042, United States
  • 2009 Date Founded: 2009
  • 1-10 Employees: 1-10
  • dollar-icon Revenue: Under $1 Million
  • tech-icon Active Tech Stack: See technologies

industries-icon Industry: Medical Devices

SIC SIC Code: 3845

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Linshom Medical

Answer: Linshom Medical's headquarters are located at 2922 Excelsior Springs Ct, Ellicott City, Maryland, 21042, United States

Answer: Linshom Medical's phone number is 41********

Answer: Linshom Medical's official website is

Answer: Linshom Medical's revenue is Under $1 Million

Answer: Linshom Medical's SIC: 3845

Answer: Linshom Medical has 1-10 employees

Answer: Linshom Medical is in Medical Devices

Answer: Linshom Medical contact info: Phone number: 41******** Website:

Answer: FDA 510(k) cleared The Linshom Respiratory Monitor improves patient safety by providing continuous, uninterrupted, critical respiratory information through innovative monitoring technology. Linshom is safe, reliable, noninvasive, simple to apply to the patient and answers a critical unmet medical need. Linshom is patented in the U.S, and internationally. Our Vision Linshom is committed to improving patient safety and measuring critical respiratory information through innovative monitoring technology. Recognizing the lack of respiratory monitoring of compromised patients, both adult and pediatric has led to the creation of Linshom. Linshom has proven to be an accurate and easy to use device. It is neither invasive nor obtrusive and has a fail-safe design that minimizes the risk of catastrophic events. Linshom can be used in patients of all ages. Patients with beards, neck collars or invasive lines in their necks are easily monitored. Motion artifact do not interfere with the monitor. Additionally, Linshom works reliably at all ambient temperatures and could be easily used in field (EMT and military) applications. Why is Respiratory Monitoring Important? Adequate ventilation is an important concern for patients and physicians in many situations and environments. Patients often exhibit depressed respiration following surgery, as a result of post-surgical pain, sedation secondary to analgesic medications, ineffective airway clearance, or impaired gas exchange. The Linshom Respiratory Monitoring Device (LRMD) is capable of non-invasively and portably measuring respiratory rate (RR), Relative Tidal Volume in patients with an oxygen mask in any setting.


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