

Transportation, Trucking And Railroad, Humboldt Dr, Novi, , 48377, Michigan, 46500, United States, 10001+ Employees

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Lineage is the worlds most innovative provider of temperature-controlled supply chain and logistics solutions. We are responsible for storing, handing and transporting food products aroun...

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industries-icon Industry: Transportation, Trucking and Railroad

SIC SIC Code: 4225 | NAICS Code: 531130 | Show More

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Lineage Org Chart and Mapping

Sydney Lehman

Co-Chief Executive Officer


Don Shimko

Inventory Specialist

Ryan Evans

Environment, Health and Safety Manager

Marcy Bruskin

Vice President Human Resources Operations

Sylvia Romo

Assistant to Office Manager

Melissa Gonzales

Office Manager II / HR Generalist

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Lineage

Answer: Lineage's headquarters are located at Humboldt Dr, Novi, , 48377, Michigan, 46500, United States

Answer: Lineage's phone number is +18*********

Answer: Lineage's official website is

Answer: Lineage's revenue is $1 Billion and Over

Answer: Lineage's SIC: 4225

Answer: Lineage's NAICS: 531130

Answer: Lineage has 10001+ employees

Answer: Lineage contact info: Phone number: +18********* Website:

Answer: Lineage is the worlds most innovative provider of temperature-controlled supply chain and logistics solutions. We are responsible for storing, handing and transporting food products around the globe. Our real estate network of 400+ strategically located facilities, expertise in end-to-end logistical solutions and innovative technology help to increase distribution efficiency, advance sustainability, minimize supply chain waste and help feed the world. In recognition of the companys leading innovations, Lineage was recognized as the No 1. Data Science company on Fast Companys Annual list of The Worlds Most Innovative Companies in 2019, in addition to ranking 23rd overall in an evaluation of thousands of companies worldwide.

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