Lee Valent Group

Staffing And Recruiting, Skinner Lk Dr, Jacksonville, , 32246, Florida, 10060, United States, 1-10 Employees


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LeeValent Group helps companies attract top candidates, increase productivity, improve employee retention and reduce turnover costs by introducing top recruits to the region while also su...

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  • 10060 Skinner Lk Dr, Jacksonville, Florida, 32246, United States Headquarters: 10060 Skinner Lk Dr, Jacksonville, Florida, 32246, United States
  • 2013 Date Founded: 2013
  • 1-10 Employees: 1-10
  • dollar-icon Revenue: Under $1 Million
  • tech-icon Active Tech Stack: See technologies

industries-icon Industry: Staffing and Recruiting

SIC SIC Code: 7361; 7389

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Alyson Lee

Vice President, Client Relations

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding LeeValent Group

Answer: LeeValent Group's headquarters are located at Skinner Lk Dr, Jacksonville, , 32246, Florida, 10060, United States

Answer: LeeValent Group's phone number is +19*********

Answer: LeeValent Group's official website is https://leevalent.com

Answer: LeeValent Group's revenue is Under $1 Million

Answer: LeeValent Group's SIC: 7361; 7389

Answer: LeeValent Group has 1-10 employees

Answer: LeeValent Group is in Staffing and Recruiting

Answer: LeeValent Group contact info: Phone number: +19********* Website: https://leevalent.com

Answer: LeeValent Group helps companies attract top candidates, increase productivity, improve employee retention and reduce turnover costs by introducing top recruits to the region while also successfully integrating relocating employees into the Northeast Florida community. LeeValent offers services to introduce candidates to Northeast Floridas diverse neighborhoods, schools and job opportunities for trailing spouses. According to a 2011 Allied Mobility Study, on average, companies lose 31 percent of top candidates due to a concern about a move, and 80 percent of relocatees say companion issues are the top stressor for relocating. Currently, less than 2 percent of companies address these significant issues in their relocation process. National research indicates that it takes between two and three years for employees and their families to feel at home in a new community. LeeValent offers extensive services to fully integrate employees and their families. By helping trailing spouses secure employment and ensuring families find the right neighborhoods, schools, and services, LeeValent reduces turnover and increases productivity.


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