Lazlo 326

Lazlo 326

Computer Software, 5755 N Pt Pkwy, Alpharetta, Georgia, 30022, United States, 11-50 Employees

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Who is LAZLO 326

Lazlo turns lottery tickets, movie tickets, concert tickets, gift cards, coupons and other bearer instruments into interactive and entertaining content while retaining the bearer instrume...

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industries-icon Industry: Computer Software

SIC SIC Code: 7371

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Mark Mahre

Executive Vice President

Michael Corello

Junior Application Developer

Christopher Demetree

Vice President of Business Development

Deepa Mohan

Senior Product Manager

Jared Rainey

Lead Software Engineer

Sagi Kovaliov

Director of Devops and Cloud Infrastructure

Gregory Baker

Chief Operations Officer

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Lazlo 326

Answer: Lazlo 326's headquarters are located at 5755 N Pt Pkwy, Alpharetta, Georgia, 30022, United States

Answer: Lazlo 326's phone number is +19*********

Answer: Lazlo 326's official website is

Answer: Lazlo 326's revenue is $5 Million to $10 Million

Answer: Lazlo 326's SIC: 7371

Answer: Lazlo 326 has 11-50 employees

Answer: Lazlo 326 is in Computer Software

Answer: Lazlo 326 contact info: Phone number: +19********* Website:

Answer: Lazlo turns lottery tickets, movie tickets, concert tickets, gift cards, coupons and other bearer instruments into interactive and entertaining content while retaining the bearer instrument characteristics of the original document. Put simply, Lazlo encrypts claim data into a payload which is then encoded into industry standard images and videos. The encoded video is stored in a consumers mobile phone photo albums and is claimable via an app SDK. A lottery ticket becomes a 20 second extreme sports clip. A movie ticket becomes a 30 second preview. A gift card becomes a 15 second product highlight. A coupon becomes a 20 second product impression. Lazlo is using the advertising media of our generation (image and video) to transform what we think of as bearer instruments. By using bearer instruments, Lazlo reduces friction. Today, we consumers dont (or shouldnt have to) register to buy movie tickets, gift cards or lottery tickets. It is traditionally a frictionless paper or plastic instrument. Yet they are easily giftable and present no security threats to the consumer. Tomorrow, Lazlo will do the same using entertaining content instead of paper.


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