Laurel Manor Healthcare And Rehabilitation Center
Hospital & Health Care, 18 W Laurel Rd, Stratford, New Jersey, 08084, United States, 201-500 Employees
Phone Number: +18*********
Laurel Manor Healthcare and Rehabilitation Center is a 104-bed, full service facility that provides a comprehensive range of short term and long term care services. Laurel Manors resident...
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Headquarters: 18 W Laurel Rd, Stratford , New Jersey, 08084, United States
Employees: 201-500
Revenue: $1 Million to $5 Million
Industry: Hospital & Health Care
SIC Code: 8051
NAICS Code: 111998 |
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Laurel Manor Healthcare and Rehabilitation Center
Answer: Laurel Manor Healthcare and Rehabilitation Center's headquarters are located at 18 W Laurel Rd, Stratford, New Jersey, 08084, United States
Answer: Laurel Manor Healthcare and Rehabilitation Center's phone number is +18*********
Answer: Laurel Manor Healthcare and Rehabilitation Center's official website is
Answer: Laurel Manor Healthcare and Rehabilitation Center's revenue is $1 Million to $5 Million
Answer: Laurel Manor Healthcare and Rehabilitation Center's SIC: 8051
Answer: Laurel Manor Healthcare and Rehabilitation Center's NAICS: 111998
Answer: Laurel Manor Healthcare and Rehabilitation Center has 201-500 employees
Answer: Laurel Manor Healthcare and Rehabilitation Center is in Hospital & Health Care
Answer: Laurel Manor Healthcare and Rehabilitation Center contact info: Phone number: +18********* Website:
Answer: Laurel Manor Healthcare and Rehabilitation Center is a 104-bed, full service facility that provides a comprehensive range of short term and long term care services. Laurel Manors residents receive the highest quality treatment by a team of talented and dedicated healthcare professionals. There are ACLS Certified Nurses on both Long Term and Short Term Units, RNs on staff, our Director of Nurses is Wound Care Certified and we have a Wound Care Team that rounds weekly.
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