Kimball Health Services

Kimball Health Services

Hospital & Health Care, 505 S Bg St, Kimball, Nebraska, 69145, United States, 51-200 Employees

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Kimball Health Services is a 15 bed Critical Access Hospital and Rural Health Clinic that is a non-profit government entity, owned by the citizens of Kimball County committed to providing...

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industries-icon Industry: Hospital & Health Care

SIC SIC Code: 8011 | NAICS Code: 621111 | Show More

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Kimball Health Services

Answer: Kimball Health Services's headquarters are located at 505 S Bg St, Kimball, Nebraska, 69145, United States

Answer: Kimball Health Services's phone number is 30********

Answer: Kimball Health Services's official website is

Answer: Kimball Health Services's revenue is $25 Million to $50 Million

Answer: Kimball Health Services's SIC: 8011

Answer: Kimball Health Services's NAICS: 621111

Answer: Kimball Health Services has 51-200 employees

Answer: Kimball Health Services is in Hospital & Health Care

Answer: Kimball Health Services contact info: Phone number: 30******** Website:

Answer: Kimball Health Services is a 15 bed Critical Access Hospital and Rural Health Clinic that is a non-profit government entity, owned by the citizens of Kimball County committed to providing quality, patient-centered care for our community. We provide clinic services, hospital outpatient, inpatient, Emergency Room services, and care to a local nursing home facility within the Kimball, Nebraska and Pine Bluffs, Wyoming communities. Our facilities offer state of the art technology, access to specialty referral sources, and a warm caring environment at each of our locations, which include our hospital and on-campus clinic in Kimball and clinic in Pine Bluffs. Kimball Health Services' mission is to.... Provide quality health care, which recognizes the inherent human worth and dignity of all persons and make our programs and services available to all without restriction Create a healing environment where physicians, allied health professionals and staff work together to provide personalized care Provide programs and activities designed to promote and enhance the general health and economics of the community Conduct hospital business in an ethically and fiscally responsible manner using sound management principles.


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