Killian Hill Christian School
Education Management, 151 Arcado RDSW, Lilburn, Georgia, United States, 51-200 Employees
Phone Number: +17*********
Killian Hill Christian School is a Christian private school serving K4-12 located in Gwinnett since 1972. The quality and committed faculty have been teaching at KH on average of 15 years...
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Headquarters: 151 Arcado RDSW, Lilburn, Georgia, United States
Date Founded: 1972
Employees: 51-200
Revenue: $25 Million to $50 Million
Active Tech Stack: See technologies
Industry: Education Management
SIC Code: 8211
NAICS Code: 611110 |
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Killian Hill Christian School
Answer: Killian Hill Christian School's headquarters are located at 151 Arcado RDSW, Lilburn, Georgia, United States
Answer: Killian Hill Christian School's phone number is +17*********
Answer: Killian Hill Christian School's official website is
Answer: Killian Hill Christian School's revenue is $25 Million to $50 Million
Answer: Killian Hill Christian School's SIC: 8211
Answer: Killian Hill Christian School's NAICS: 611110
Answer: Killian Hill Christian School has 51-200 employees
Answer: Killian Hill Christian School is in Education Management
Answer: Killian Hill Christian School contact info: Phone number: +17********* Website:
Answer: Killian Hill Christian School is a Christian private school serving K4-12 located in Gwinnett since 1972. The quality and committed faculty have been teaching at KH on average of 15 years and teaching overall for 22 years. As a ministry of Killian Hill Baptist Church, KHCS exists to assist parents in their God-given responsibility of educating their young people by providing a high-quality spiritual and academic program, enhanced by balanced fine arts and athletics, while encouraging them to live disciplined, Christ-centered lives. Recently recognized as the sixth best private high school in Georgia, Killian Hill Christian School, has been serving our community as an outreach of Killian Hill Baptist Church since 1972. KHCS is a fully accredited K-12 college-preparatory school servicing hundreds of students on a beautiful 27-acre campus. Our goal is to promote individual and corporate spiritual vitality through sound biblical instruction, academic rigor, worthy scholarship, and wide achievement. This results in exceptional preparation for our student`s college career and life experiences. Balanced fine arts and athletic programs complement our focus on proper self-discipline and worthy character. Highly credentialed and caring faculty teach every subject from a biblical foundation for each students personal development. Many students recount that KHCS is their home away from home because their teachers care deeply about them and love them enough to get involved in their lives.
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