
Construction, 5858 Westheimer Rd, Houston, Texas, 77057, United States, 51-200 Employees


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Who is KDW

Kingham Dalton Wilson, Ltd. (KDW) is headquartered in Houston and serves both domestic and international clients. As a full service commercial and industrial construction company, we help...

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industries-icon Industry: Construction

SIC SIC Code: 1542 | NAICS Code: 236116 | Show More

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding KDW

Answer: KDW's headquarters are located at 5858 Westheimer Rd, Houston, Texas, 77057, United States

Answer: KDW's phone number is 71********

Answer: KDW's official website is https://kdwltd.com

Answer: KDW's revenue is $25 Million to $50 Million

Answer: KDW's SIC: 1542

Answer: KDW's NAICS: 236116

Answer: KDW has 51-200 employees

Answer: KDW is in Construction

Answer: KDW contact info: Phone number: 71******** Website: https://kdwltd.com

Answer: Kingham Dalton Wilson, Ltd. (KDW) is headquartered in Houston and serves both domestic and international clients. As a full service commercial and industrial construction company, we help companies recognize exact costs, minimize risk, and expedite project completion on their new, expanded, or renovated commercial and industrial facilities. Since our innovative design/build services are customized to meet your exact needs, the project results in a seamless experiencefrom sourcing and developing land, designing and building your structure, through move-in and post occupancy maintenanceno matter the size or complexity. Our single-source method eliminates the frustration of working with multiple service providers, and can cut the process time in half compared to traditional design method. Cost benefits of working with KDW: Single contract= single point of communication and responsibility No management of multiple contracts, vendors, or invoices Upfront understanding of drive-out price Development services included in design-build contract Turnkey, time-saving design & build process Expedited project start and project delivery Time-saving overlap of design and construction Escalation and rising cost mitigation High-quality results, with minimal owners risk

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