Kansas Children's Discovery Center

Kansas Children's Discovery Center

Museums And Institutions, 4400 Sw 10th Ave, Topeka, Kansas, 66604, United States, 1-10 Employees


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The Kansas Childrens Discovery Center is a hands-on childrens museum with a mission to enhance the lives of children and enrich the communities it serves. Since opening in 2011 in Topeka,...

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industries-icon Industry: Museums and Institutions

SIC SIC Code: 8351

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Kansas Children's Discovery Center Org Chart and Mapping


Laura Burton

Director of Marketing and Development

Caitlin Luttjohann

Vice President of Play and Learning

Brynnae Poage

Education & Partnership Manager

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Kansas Children's Discovery Center

Answer: Kansas Children's Discovery Center's headquarters are located at 4400 Sw 10th Ave, Topeka, Kansas, 66604, United States

Answer: Kansas Children's Discovery Center's phone number is 78********

Answer: Kansas Children's Discovery Center's official website is https://kansasdiscovery.org

Answer: Kansas Children's Discovery Center's revenue is $25 Million to $50 Million

Answer: Kansas Children's Discovery Center's SIC: 8351

Answer: Kansas Children's Discovery Center has 1-10 employees

Answer: Kansas Children's Discovery Center is in Museums and Institutions

Answer: Kansas Children's Discovery Center contact info: Phone number: 78******** Website: https://kansasdiscovery.org

Answer: The Kansas Childrens Discovery Center is a hands-on childrens museum with a mission to enhance the lives of children and enrich the communities it serves. Since opening in 2011 in Topeka, Kansas, the Discovery Center has become a special place where children can explore, create, discover and learn through play. The museum has hosted visitors from all 50 states and 23 countries. The Discovery Center features over 15,000 square feet of indoor education exhibits, including science, careers, building, art, and a 4.5 acre certified Nature Explore Outdoor Classroom. Daily programs, field trips, birthday parties and other special events provide additional opportunities for serious fun. Outreach programs bring quality, hands-on experiences into our community to inspire a lifelong love of learning for every child.

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