

Education Management, 1416 N Sam Houston Pkwy E, Houston, Texas, 77032, United States, 11-50 Employees


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Welcome to Kaduceus, your #1 choice for Hands-On Career Training. We specialize in providing professional development hours, including national certification, for your teachers so they ca...

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SIC SIC Code: 5099 | NAICS Code: 611710 | Show More

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C Brenner

Director of Education

Lianne Brown

Sterile Products and Aseptic Technique Program Coordinator and Exam Proctor

Linh Nguyen

Pharmacy Technician Program Coordinator

Nancy Mallini

Educational Consultant

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Kaduceus

Answer: Kaduceus's headquarters are located at 1416 N Sam Houston Pkwy E, Houston, Texas, 77032, United States

Answer: Kaduceus's phone number is +12*********

Answer: Kaduceus's official website is https://kaduceusinc.com

Answer: Kaduceus's revenue is $5 Million to $10 Million

Answer: Kaduceus's SIC: 5099

Answer: Kaduceus's NAICS: 611710

Answer: Kaduceus has 11-50 employees

Answer: Kaduceus is in Education Management

Answer: Kaduceus contact info: Phone number: +12********* Website: https://kaduceusinc.com

Answer: Welcome to Kaduceus, your #1 choice for Hands-On Career Training. We specialize in providing professional development hours, including national certification, for your teachers so they can teach and prepare junior and senior high school students on your campus who are interested in pursuing healthcare careers. Kaduceus offers Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs to high school juniors and seniors, allowing them to get a head start on preparing for college and careers. School districts that implement the Kaduceus CTE high school certification programs allow students to participate in hands-on training in one of the following programs: Pharmacy Technician, Certified Nursing Assistant, Medical Billing and Coding, Veterinary Assistant, Medical Assistant, Patient Care Technician, Foundations of Health Science, EKG, and Phlebotomy. Each program gives high school students real-world experience, hands-on career training, job shadows, and internships. Upon completing a Kaduceus healthcare program, students are prepared to enter the healthcare field at a technician level. The real-world practical experience they receive through interactive labs and activities will better prepare them to enter the workforce immediately. The Kaduceus healthcare programs also prepare students for national certification in their respective fields, thus advancing their value and marketability. National certification promotes continued education in one's field and upholds the student to a code of ethics in this heavily administrated healthcare industry.

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