Jones and Swartz, PLLC

Jones And Swartz, Pllc

Legal Services, 4394 Panui St, Kalaheo, Hawaii, 96741, United States, 1-10 Employees

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All we do is civil litigation. Often our clients' cases involve complex contractual disputes, serious personal injury claims and birth injuries, and civil rights violations. We also provi...

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  • 4394 Panui St, Kalaheo, Hawaii, 96741, United States Headquarters: 4394 Panui St, Kalaheo, Hawaii, 96741, United States
  • 1-10 Employees: 1-10
  • dollar-icon Revenue: $1 Million to $5 Million

industries-icon Industry: Legal Services

SIC SIC Code: 8111

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Jones and Swartz, PLLC

Answer: Jones and Swartz, PLLC's headquarters are located at 4394 Panui St, Kalaheo, Hawaii, 96741, United States

Answer: Jones and Swartz, PLLC's phone number is 20********

Answer: Jones and Swartz, PLLC's official website is

Answer: Jones and Swartz, PLLC's revenue is $1 Million to $5 Million

Answer: Jones and Swartz, PLLC's SIC: 8111

Answer: Jones and Swartz, PLLC has 1-10 employees

Answer: Jones and Swartz, PLLC is in Legal Services

Answer: Jones and Swartz, PLLC contact info: Phone number: 20******** Website:

Answer: All we do is civil litigation. Often our clients' cases involve complex contractual disputes, serious personal injury claims and birth injuries, and civil rights violations. We also provide legal services for cases involving professional negligence and malpractice; employment discrimination; employment contracts, including non-compete agreements and wage disputes; etc. Our clients range from individuals with legal problems to international enterprises. And, while Jones & Swartz is based out of Boise, our clients' legal problems are not limited to the Treasure Valley and neither are we.


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