JAI Software

Jai Software

Computer Software, 599 Ave, Farmingdale, Maine, 04344, United States, 11-50 Employees


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JAI Software is an industry-leading provider of cloud-based software solutions for federal, utility, and locally-funded Community Service Programs. Our ECOS platform was built from the gr...

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  • 599 Maine Ave, Farmingdale, Maine, 04344, United States Headquarters: 599 Maine Ave, Farmingdale, Maine, 04344, United States
  • 2003 Date Founded: 2003
  • 11-50 Employees: 11-50
  • dollar-icon Revenue: $1 Million to $5 Million
  • tech-icon Active Tech Stack: See technologies

industries-icon Industry: Computer Software

SIC SIC Code: 7371

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JAI Software Org Chart and Mapping


Jo-Ann Choate

Special Energy Projects Coordinator

Rhett Eldridge

Director of Client Relations

Rhett Eldridge

Director of Client Relations

Jacob Lapierre

Cybersecurity Internship

Emma Doering

Customer Support Specialist

Richard Dow

Project Management Supervisor

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding JAI Software

Answer: JAI Software's headquarters are located at 599 Ave, Farmingdale, Maine, 04344, United States

Answer: JAI Software's phone number is 20********

Answer: JAI Software's official website is https://jaisoftware.net

Answer: JAI Software's revenue is $1 Million to $5 Million

Answer: JAI Software's SIC: 7371

Answer: JAI Software has 11-50 employees

Answer: JAI Software is in Computer Software

Answer: JAI Software contact info: Phone number: 20******** Website: https://jaisoftware.net

Answer: JAI Software is an industry-leading provider of cloud-based software solutions for federal, utility, and locally-funded Community Service Programs. Our ECOS platform was built from the ground up by staff with experience in LIHEAP, Weatherization, Water, and Utility Assistance Programs. ECOS is flexible, scalable, comprehensive, and highly adaptable to meet our partner's needs. Our mission is to provide affordable, high-quality software solutions to improve the delivery of community service programs that serve the most vulnerable in our communities. Our vision is to become the best-in-class software vendor for community service program providers offering services that meet our core values of quality, integrity, affordability, and community improvement are unique and the system should be flexible enough to meet individual partner needs. We strive to be at the forefront of our partner's needs by providing digital solutions to simplify service delivery, centralize and strengthen communication and make reporting easier then ever!

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