ITMS Group

Itms Group

Information Services, Nw 47th Avenue, Miami, , 33054, Florida, 13301, United States, 51-200 Employees

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Headquartered in Miami, Florida, ITMS Group, Inc. provides innovative and industry-leading technology solutions and information resources to create solutions that meet the needs of our cu...

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industries-icon Industry: Information Services

SIC SIC Code: 7379 | NAICS Code: 541611 | Show More

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding ITMS Group

Answer: ITMS Group's headquarters are located at Nw 47th Avenue, Miami, , 33054, Florida, 13301, United States

Answer: ITMS Group's phone number is +13*********

Answer: ITMS Group's official website is

Answer: ITMS Group's revenue is $5 Million to $10 Million

Answer: ITMS Group's SIC: 7379

Answer: ITMS Group's NAICS: 541611

Answer: ITMS Group has 51-200 employees

Answer: ITMS Group is in Information Services

Answer: ITMS Group contact info: Phone number: +13********* Website:

Answer: Headquartered in Miami, Florida, ITMS Group, Inc. provides innovative and industry-leading technology solutions and information resources to create solutions that meet the needs of our customers, publishers, academic libraries, research institutes, public libraries, healthcare, corporate & government sectors worldwide. -- Establecida en Miami, Florida, ITMS Group, Inc. ofrece soluciones tecnologicas e innovadoras y servicios de informacion lider en la industria para crear soluciones que satisfagan las necesidades de nuestros clientes, editores, bibliotecas academicas, institutos de investigacion, bibliotecas publicas al igual que en las industrias de salud y medicina, al igual que en los sectores privados y gubernamentales a nivel mundial. -- Com sede no sul da Florida, a ITMS Group foi fundada com o avanco da pesquisa, promocao de uma linha diversa de produtos e informacoes atualizadas da industria, a ITMS Group atende as necessidades de engenheiros, bibliotecarios, equipe medica e automotiva desde 2005. A empresa continua a liderar unidades operacionais em setores especializados por meio de marketing, contabilidade e gerenciamento de sites.

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