Marketing And Advertising, 130 5th Ave Fl 4, New York, 10011, United States, 1001-5000 Employees
Phone Number: +12*********
Interbrand has been a world leading brand consultancy, for over 45 years having pioneered iconic work and forged many of the brand building tools that are commonplace across the industry ...
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Headquarters: 130 5th Ave Fl 4, New York, New York, 10011, United States
Employees: 1001-5000
Revenue: $250 Million to $500 Million
Industry: Marketing and Advertising
SIC Code: 7336
NAICS Code: 541613 |
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Interbrand
Answer: Interbrand's headquarters are located at 130 5th Ave Fl 4, New York, 10011, United States
Answer: Interbrand's phone number is +12*********
Answer: Interbrand's official website is https://interbrand.com
Answer: Interbrand's revenue is $250 Million to $500 Million
Answer: Interbrand's SIC: 7336
Answer: Interbrand's NAICS: 541613
Answer: Interbrand has 1001-5000 employees
Answer: Interbrand is in Marketing and Advertising
Answer: Interbrand top competitors include: Ketchum
Answer: Interbrand contact info: Phone number: +12********* Website: https://interbrand.com
Answer: Interbrand has been a world leading brand consultancy, for over 45 years having pioneered iconic work and forged many of the brand building tools that are commonplace across the industry today. We know that in an age of unprecedented abundance of choice and speed of innovation, customers expectations are moving faster than business. While incremental change is still essential, it is no longer sufficient. It takes bold moves to leap ahead of customers and competitors. We call these moves Iconic Moves. In collaboration with the worlds leading brands, our global team of thinkers and makers are pioneering the future of brand building. By turning customers into active participants, we help our clients strengthen their brands on an ongoing basis our approach gives them confidence to make Iconic Moves that spark desire and create utility, driving extraordinary results. Interbrand is a part of Omnicom Group (NYSE:OMC).
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