Instant 2290

Instant 2290

Transportation, Trucking And Railroad, Leander, Texas, 77299, United States, 11-50 Employees

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Who is INSTANT 2290

4 Years Prior to i2290 eFile, Instant-2290 was paving the way for automation: Founded in 2003 Instant-2290 delivered the first web-based "wizard" for trucking companies to prepare the IRS...

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industries-icon Industry: Transportation, Trucking and Railroad

SIC SIC Code: 7291 | NAICS Code: 541213 | Show More

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Instant 2290

Answer: Instant 2290's headquarters are located at Leander, Texas, 77299, United States

Answer: Instant 2290's phone number is +17*********

Answer: Instant 2290's official website is

Answer: Instant 2290's revenue is Under $1 Million

Answer: Instant 2290's SIC: 7291

Answer: Instant 2290's NAICS: 541213

Answer: Instant 2290 has 11-50 employees

Answer: Instant 2290 is in Transportation, Trucking and Railroad

Answer: Instant 2290 contact info: Phone number: +17********* Website:

Answer: 4 Years Prior to i2290 eFile, Instant-2290 was paving the way for automation: Founded in 2003 Instant-2290 delivered the first web-based "wizard" for trucking companies to prepare the IRS Form 2290 (HVUT) tax form. Provided Guidance to IRS Development Team: Without IRS Development Consortium input from Phil Boyer (Instant-2290's President/CEO) in 2005 - there would be no "INSTANT" at all. The IRS was planning to provide a means to eFile, but no way to pay electronically for most truckers - and a 6-8 week wait for a Stamped Schedule 1 in US mail. Enlightened with the business requirements described by Mr. Boyer, the IRS went back to the drawing board for a year and emerged with an elegant solution - file, pay and pick up your Sch1 - all electronically - with a 24 hour service level. The IRS has far exceeded expectations and the typical turn-around time is a few minutes rather than 24 hours. What are we doing if it does not make the world a better place? The company was built to be a lighthouse; a symbol of the standards by which we should conduct ourselves in business. It is critical to recognize the value in the people behind the machines - whether behind the wheel of an 80,000 pound truck or the keyboard of a Macbook Pro. Treatment of customers, employees, contractors, partners, vendors, IRS and state agents - even competitors - is critical to what Instant-2290 considers a win. We could sell mattresses or deliver IRS eFile Services - what matters is HOW we conduct ourselves in our business. Holding to high standards of conduct organically yields products, services and teams that are enviable.


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