Indianapolis Art Center

Indianapolis Art Center

Museums And Institutions, 820 E 67th St, polis, Indiana, 46220, United States, 51-200 Employees

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Who we are: The Art Center was founded in 1934 as a Works Project Administration program during the Great Depression to serve artists. Today, the Art Center inhabits one Indianapolis only...

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  • 820 E 67th St, Indianapolis, Indiana, 46220, United States Headquarters: 820 E 67th St, Indianapolis, Indiana, 46220, United States
  • 1934 Date Founded: 1934
  • 51-200 Employees: 51-200
  • dollar-icon Revenue: $50 Million to $100 Million
  • tech-icon Active Tech Stack: See technologies

industries-icon Industry: Museums and Institutions

SIC SIC Code: 8299

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Indianapolis Art Center

Answer: Indianapolis Art Center's headquarters are located at 820 E 67th St, polis, Indiana, 46220, United States

Answer: Indianapolis Art Center's phone number is 31********

Answer: Indianapolis Art Center's official website is

Answer: Indianapolis Art Center's revenue is $50 Million to $100 Million

Answer: Indianapolis Art Center's SIC: 8299

Answer: Indianapolis Art Center has 51-200 employees

Answer: Indianapolis Art Center is in Museums and Institutions

Answer: Indianapolis Art Center contact info: Phone number: 31******** Website:

Answer: Who we are: The Art Center was founded in 1934 as a Works Project Administration program during the Great Depression to serve artists. Today, the Art Center inhabits one Indianapolis only Michael Graves-designed building which sits on a 10 acre stretch along the banks of the White River in the Broad Ripple neighborhood of Indianapolis. Each year, the Art Center offers hundreds of art classes, over 50 art exhibitions in six art galleries, an Outreach program that takes art to underserved communities, and the Broad Ripple Art Fair. What we do: The mission of the Indianapolis Art Center is to engage, enlighten, and inspire our community by providing interactive art education, outreach to underserved audiences, support of artists and exposure to the visual arts. Why were important: In its most meaningful moments, art transforms all of us. For adults, hands-on creative learning provides the opportunity to express emotions, build connections to others and hone new creative skills. For kids, arts education creates pathways to academic achievement, career goals and civic engagement. And its fun and rewarding. How we affect the community: The Indianapolis Art Center impacts the community by providing access to art education, exposure to living artists and hosting meaningful events that connect the community to creativity and art-making. Our over 500 art classes each year offer anyone with a desire to connect with their artistic side in a creative and social community to thrive. Our nationally-recognized exhibitions connect the community with the artwork of local, regional and national artists. Our Outreach programs take art outside of our building to provide high-quality art education to underserved youth. The Art Centers campus includes: The Marilyn K. Glick School of Art, with 11 state-of-the-art studios, three public art galleries, a 224-seat auditorium, a gallery shop, and a library; ArtsPark, a nine-acre outdoor creativity and sculpture garden.


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