Ibew Local Union 712

Consumer Electronics, 217 Sassafras Aly, Beaver, Pennsylvania, 15009, United States, 10001+ Employees


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IBEW Local Union 712 is an electrical organization founded in 1914 and located in Beaver, Beaver County, Pennsylvania. We have over 450 members that serve over 40 contractors in Beaver, C...

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  • 217 Sassafras Aly, Beaver, Pennsylvania, 15009, United States Headquarters: 217 Sassafras Aly, Beaver, Pennsylvania, 15009, United States
  • 1914 Date Founded: 1914
  • 10001+ Employees: 10001+
  • dollar-icon Revenue: $10 Million to $25 Million
  • tech-icon Active Tech Stack: See technologies

industries-icon Industry: Consumer Electronics

SIC SIC Code: 8631

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IBEW Local Union 712 Org Chart and Mapping


Edwin Gerber

Ibew Local Union 712 Organizer / Business Rep

Matthew Cowie

Vice President / Business Representative

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding IBEW Local Union 712

Answer: IBEW Local Union 712's headquarters are located at 217 Sassafras Aly, Beaver, Pennsylvania, 15009, United States

Answer: IBEW Local Union 712's phone number is +19*********

Answer: IBEW Local Union 712's official website is https://ibew712.org

Answer: IBEW Local Union 712's revenue is $10 Million to $25 Million

Answer: IBEW Local Union 712's SIC: 8631

Answer: IBEW Local Union 712 has 10001+ employees

Answer: IBEW Local Union 712 is in Consumer Electronics

Answer: IBEW Local Union 712 contact info: Phone number: +19********* Website: https://ibew712.org

Answer: IBEW Local Union 712 is an electrical organization founded in 1914 and located in Beaver, Beaver County, Pennsylvania. We have over 450 members that serve over 40 contractors in Beaver, Crawford, Lawrence and Mercer counties. We supply skilled electricians to signatory contractors within our jurisdiction. They are highly skilled, professionally trained men and women who are certified electricians capable of performing all aspects of the electrical field. Along with all of the building trades, IBEW Local 712 offer apprenticeships through the Western Central Pennsylvania Electricians Joint Apprenticeship and Training Committee, which is a five-year program. It includes on-the-job training with our signatory electrical contractors, as well as 800 hours of classroom/lab instruction (at a minimum) in the electrical trade. The JATC program provides apprenticeship training that makes our members desirable employees. Our apprentices learn all aspects of the Residential, Commercial and Industrial industry. Upgraded courses in new codes and technologies are constantly being incorporated into the classrooms. Our members become well trained in every part of the electrical construction industry. They learn AC-Theory, blueprints, OSHA and safety work practices, photovoltaics, fiber optics, fire alarm, security, and so much more.


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