I Aire

Machinery, 585 Howard Dr, Orlando, Florida, 08701, United States, 11-50 Employees


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Who is IAIRE

HVAC | Solar HVAC | Energy recovery ventilators (ERV) | Dedicated Outdoors Air Systems (DOAS) | Ionization | Indoor air quality solutions | IBJ Fast 25 | Inc 5000 iAIRE, LLC was founded i...

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industries-icon Industry: Machinery

SIC SIC Code: 3679

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding IAIRE

Answer: iAIRE's headquarters are located at 585 Howard Dr, Orlando, Florida, 08701, United States

Answer: iAIRE's phone number is 84********

Answer: iAIRE's official website is https://myiaire.com

Answer: iAIRE's revenue is $5 Million to $10 Million

Answer: iAIRE's SIC: 3679

Answer: iAIRE has 11-50 employees

Answer: iAIRE is in Machinery

Answer: iAIRE contact info: Phone number: 84******** Website: https://myiaire.com

Answer: HVAC | Solar HVAC | Energy recovery ventilators (ERV) | Dedicated Outdoors Air Systems (DOAS) | Ionization | Indoor air quality solutions | IBJ Fast 25 | Inc 5000 iAIRE, LLC was founded in 2013 with the concept of adding ionization to outside air systems that provide energy savings for commercial business operators and healthier, cleaner air for their employees and customers. As the benefits of our ionization products have been realized and our business has grown, our product offerings have increased. Today, we design and manufacture the highest efficiency units on the market, serving businesses across all industries and homeowners, joining in the effort to reduce harmful emissions output and alter the path of climate change. We are based in Indiana with manufacturing in Florida, serving businesses, industrial complexes, and more all over the United States. Our extensive offering appeals to building operators committed to improving air quality for customers and workers while keeping HVAC operating costs low in buildings such as hospitals, public schools, financial institutions, shopping malls, churches, synagogues, government buildings, office parks, athletic complexes, and more.

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