Hunger Relief International
Non Profit Organization Management, 940 Millstead Way, City, Oklahoma, 14624, United States, 1-10 Employees
Phone Number: +15*********
Mission: Hunger Relief International (HRI) is a Judeo-Christian organization that works to improve and protect the lives of desperately poor children and families by building resiliency, ...
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Headquarters: 940 Millstead Way, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, 14624, United States
Date Founded: 2010
Employees: 1-10
Revenue: $5 Million to $10 Million
Active Tech Stack: See technologies
Industry: Non Profit Organization Management
SIC Code: 3599
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Hunger Relief International
Answer: Hunger Relief International's headquarters are located at 940 Millstead Way, City, Oklahoma, 14624, United States
Answer: Hunger Relief International's phone number is +15*********
Answer: Hunger Relief International's official website is
Answer: Hunger Relief International's revenue is $5 Million to $10 Million
Answer: Hunger Relief International's SIC: 3599
Answer: Hunger Relief International has 1-10 employees
Answer: Hunger Relief International is in Non Profit Organization Management
Answer: Hunger Relief International contact info: Phone number: +15********* Website:
Answer: Mission: Hunger Relief International (HRI) is a Judeo-Christian organization that works to improve and protect the lives of desperately poor children and families by building resiliency, fighting hunger, promoting family unity, and increasing self-sufficiency. HRI does this through direct programming and by raising public awareness. Vision: HRI serves children and families impacted by extreme poverty or natural disasters who lack food, water, education and/or sanitation by RESPONDING TO CRISIS, BUILDING RESILIENCE and CREATING OPPORTUNITIES that treat and prevent short and long-term effects of hunger and malnutrition.
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