Ht Rea Farming

Farming, Hood Rd, Milton Freewater, , 97862, Oregon, 84896, United States, 11-50 Employees

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H.T. Rea Farming is a fourth-generation family owned and operated farm in the Walla Walla Valley specializing in the production of grain crops, vegetables and certified seed. Headquartere...

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  • 84896 Hood Rd, Milton Freewater, Oregon, 97862, United States Headquarters: 84896 Hood Rd, Milton Freewater, Oregon, 97862, United States
  • 1957 Date Founded: 1957
  • 11-50 Employees: 11-50
  • dollar-icon Revenue: Under $1 Million
  • tech-icon Active Tech Stack: See technologies

industries-icon Industry: Farming

SIC SIC Code: 0161

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding HT Rea Farming

Answer: HT Rea Farming's headquarters are located at Hood Rd, Milton Freewater, , 97862, Oregon, 84896, United States

Answer: HT Rea Farming's phone number is 15*********

Answer: HT Rea Farming's official website is

Answer: HT Rea Farming's revenue is Under $1 Million

Answer: HT Rea Farming's SIC: 0161

Answer: HT Rea Farming has 11-50 employees

Answer: HT Rea Farming is in Farming

Answer: HT Rea Farming contact info: Phone number: 15********* Website:

Answer: H.T. Rea Farming is a fourth-generation family owned and operated farm in the Walla Walla Valley specializing in the production of grain crops, vegetables and certified seed. Headquartered in Milton-Freewater, Oregon, the farm cares for and manages farm land in both Washington and Oregon across a diverse rainfall zone. As farmland managers, we strive to ensure that every farm we manage is improved for generations to come. Landowners can trust that we will care for the land as though it was our own. Weve had a long tradition of growing a diversified mix of crops. In addition to growing a rotation of wheat and fresh green peas, we grow fresh lima beans, alfalfa, edible dry beans, garbanzo beans, lentils, seed wheat, seed peas and seed corn. We strive to maintain good relationships with numerous food processors, buyers and seed companies so we can have these opportunities. Using cutting edge farming practices and technologies is an important part of our crop production and land management. We care for every farm in a way that maximizes the efficiencies of inputs and increases potential for yield and quality. Our ability to grow a wide range of crops allows us to build soil health and quality through crop rotations. H.T. Rea Farming believes in quality agriculture research and the importance of the research activities conducted by Washington State University and Oregon State University.

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