Hoosac School
Education Management, 109 W Melrose Ave, Hoosick, Maryland, 21210, United States, 11-50 Employees
Phone Number: 51********
HOOSAC SCHOOL, founded by Edward Dudley Tibbits in 1889, is a coeducational, college preparatory school enrolling boarders and day students in Forms II-VI (Grades 8-12) and a postgraduate...
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Headquarters: 109 W Melrose Ave, Hoosick, Maryland, 21210, United States
Date Founded: 1889
Employees: 11-50
Revenue: $50 Million to $100 Million
Active Tech Stack: See technologies
Industry: Education Management
SIC Code: 8221
NAICS Code: 611310 |
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Hoosac School
Answer: Hoosac School's headquarters are located at 109 W Melrose Ave, Hoosick, Maryland, 21210, United States
Answer: Hoosac School's phone number is 51********
Answer: Hoosac School's official website is https://hoosac.org
Answer: Hoosac School's revenue is $50 Million to $100 Million
Answer: Hoosac School's SIC: 8221
Answer: Hoosac School's NAICS: 611310
Answer: Hoosac School has 11-50 employees
Answer: Hoosac School is in Education Management
Answer: Hoosac School contact info: Phone number: 51******** Website: https://hoosac.org
Answer: HOOSAC SCHOOL, founded by Edward Dudley Tibbits in 1889, is a coeducational, college preparatory school enrolling boarders and day students in Forms II-VI (Grades 8-12) and a postgraduate program. Hoosick, a hamlet of 350 residents, is in the Hudson Valley near the borders of New York, Massachusetts, and Vermont. Albany and Troy are 30 minutes away, and Bennington and Williams colleges are within a 20-minute drive. Dr. Tibbits possessed two core beliefs that his school should strive to educate the whole student, academically, athletically, socially as well as spiritually, and that his school should remain of such a size that every student would receive full care and attention. Each of us is an individual--with individual abilities, hopes, dreams, and drives. And to ignore that individuality is to ignore one of the most important aspects of education itself. All of which is to clarify and illustrate the unique advantage of a Hoosac education, to establish and encourage an intensive competition between the student that is, and the student that might be. We at Hoosac believe that to focus on educating the individual is to recognize the importance of discovering and developing the unique best each student has to offer, and represents the highest goal of education. We also believe it will have more success in a student's preparation--not only for college but for life--than any other approach.
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