Hexagon Agility

Hexagon Agility

Transportation, Trucking And Railroad, 1815 Carnegie Ave, Costa Mesa, California, 92705, United States, 501-1000 Employees


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Hexagon Agility, a business of Hexagon Composites, is a leading global provider of clean fuel solutions for commercial vehicles and gas transportation solutions. Its product offerings inc...

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  • 1815 Carnegie Ave, Costa Mesa, California, 92705, United States Headquarters: 1815 Carnegie Ave, Costa Mesa, California, 92705, United States
  • 1996 Date Founded: 1996
  • 501-1000 Employees: 501-1000
  • dollar-icon Revenue: $100 Million to $250 Million
  • tech-icon Active Tech Stack: See technologies

industries-icon Industry: Transportation, Trucking and Railroad

SIC SIC Code: 3519

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Hexagon Agility Org Chart and Mapping


Craig Kerkman

Market Segment Manager - Refuse

Sam Chuebandit

Quality and Manufacturing Engineer Supervisor

John Jordan

Engineering Technical Representative

Scott Lucero

Vice President Sales Operations & Product Support

Bryan Mewhort

Vice President of Operations

Jason Richards

Electro Mechanical Technician

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Hexagon Agility

Answer: Hexagon Agility's headquarters are located at 1815 Carnegie Ave, Costa Mesa, California, 92705, United States

Answer: Hexagon Agility's phone number is 94********

Answer: Hexagon Agility's official website is https://hexagonagility.com

Answer: Hexagon Agility's revenue is $100 Million to $250 Million

Answer: Hexagon Agility's SIC: 3519

Answer: Hexagon Agility has 501-1000 employees

Answer: Hexagon Agility is in Transportation, Trucking and Railroad

Answer: Hexagon Agility contact info: Phone number: 94******** Website: https://hexagonagility.com

Answer: Hexagon Agility, a business of Hexagon Composites, is a leading global provider of clean fuel solutions for commercial vehicles and gas transportation solutions. Its product offerings include natural gas storage and delivery systems, Type 4 composite natural gas cylinders, propane, and natural gas fuel systems. These products transport clean gaseous fuels and enable vehicles to reduce emissions while saving operating costs. Hexagon Agility is the most recognized brand in the alternative fuel industry as a result of the performance, reliability and safety of our fuel systems as well as our engineering capabilities and superior end-to-end customer service. With over 35,000 trucks on the road, logging 1.5 billion miles per year, our engineering and service capabilities are unmatched. When it comes to your transportation fleet, its time to think clean and make a change. Natural gas, propane and hydrogen are clean, safe, effective and low-cost alternatives for buses, refuse vehicles and heavy-duty trucks. Hexagon Agility is committed to making clean fuels the logical choice for commercial vehicles. Besides benefitting the environment, clean fuels make good business sense. Running your vehicles on natural gas, propane or hydrogen can result in low and stable fuel costs. Running your fleet on cleaner fuels isnt just a savvy business move; it also saves the environment and the communities you serve.


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