![Hermiston School District #8R](https://gocience.com/logos/new/5755404d6a0d0a2692dfd7bd23160d929ff5fa65e62092cbc3ad799e69205900.jpg)
Hermiston School District #8 R
Primary And Secondary Education, 305 Sw 11th St, Hermiston, Oregon, 97838, United States, 201-500 Employees
Phone Number: 54********
The Hermiston School District is the largest district in Eastern Oregon, exceeding 5,300 students, and continues to experience steady enrollment growth. It serves students in grades kinde...
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Headquarters: 305 Sw 11th St, Hermiston, Oregon, 97838, United States
Date Founded: 1951
Employees: 201-500
Revenue: $250 Million to $500 Million
Active Tech Stack: See technologies
Industry: Primary and Secondary Education
SIC Code: 8211
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Hermiston School District #8R
Answer: Hermiston School District #8R's headquarters are located at 305 Sw 11th St, Hermiston, Oregon, 97838, United States
Answer: Hermiston School District #8R's phone number is 54********
Answer: Hermiston School District #8R's official website is https://hermiston.k12.or.us
Answer: Hermiston School District #8R's revenue is $250 Million to $500 Million
Answer: Hermiston School District #8R's SIC: 8211
Answer: Hermiston School District #8R has 201-500 employees
Answer: Hermiston School District #8R is in Primary and Secondary Education
Answer: Hermiston School District #8R contact info: Phone number: 54******** Website: https://hermiston.k12.or.us
Answer: The Hermiston School District is the largest district in Eastern Oregon, exceeding 5,300 students, and continues to experience steady enrollment growth. It serves students in grades kindergarten through 12 with a broad range of programs from foundational learning skills to comprehensive vocational programs to an exhaustive array of post-secondary college credit bearing opportunities. The school district includes a 9-12 senior high school, two 6-8 middle schools, five K-5 elementary schools, an alternative school, and a robust online learning program option for students and families. Support for the school district has been strong from the community. In 2001 voters approved a $39 million building program which included the re-construction of the high school, an additional elementary school, and various district-wide renovations. The voters also approved a $69.9 million bond in 2008. The bond served to replace Armand Larive Middle School, West Park Elementary, and Sunset Elementary. The District employs over 520 full time staff that includes approximately 300 teachers and over 200 classified, support, and supervisory personnel, making it one of the largest employers in the city of Hermiston. A nationally-recognized community that embraces its diversity, the district serves some 28,000 residents, where one-third of the population is Hispanic. The school district prides itself on the academic achievement of its students, successful athletic programs, nationally-recognized club and activity organizations, and its exhaustive list of academic and elective opportunities available to students. The Districts partnership with community organizations has been central to its continued success, highlighted by support groups who have provided nearly a half a million dollars to assist students and programs.
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